Regal Party X

"Brother Matt..." Shortly after the whole ordeal, Ruby Xi mustered her courage as she approached Zoey and Matthew Xi who took up the corner table while the event resumed. 

"Ruru," Ruby Xi hadn't even begun with her speech before Matthew Xi's cold gaze stopped her in her tracks. "Next time." His words sounded more as a warning that he was in a foul mood and she shouldn't approach her. 

"Love," Sensing the sudden tension, Zoey frowned as she pinched his arm. Matthew Xi just glanced at Zoey before he sighed. 

"I am not in the mood to talk, Ruru. You should understand what you've done to my wife..."

"Love?" Widening her eyes, Zoey stretched her lips into a forced smile. She had thrown her realization earlier at the back of her mind. 

After all, it didn't matter how dark the other side of the Xi's were because she's married to Matthew Xi now. Moreover, she had a much darker past that she wasn't ready to tell him just yet.