Chapter 56

Siara's side

She started to lose hope! Why the hell am I inside the ant queen nest? How do I get out of here?

Siara calm down! Think of a solution!


"Siara, do you know that our clan are experts on earth element art?"asked her father

Siara was just 5 years old at that time, she had just found out that her element is earth! She was so happy!

"Yes! I want to be like you, Father! I want to be able to master earth element."replied Siara with sparkling eyes

Her father just smiled and pat her on her head.

"Silly girl, you will probably surpass all of us, your talent in earth element is the highest among all of us, only our founder could probably match you!"said her father

Siara felt even more happy that she got praised by her father.

"Siara, do you know that people associate earth element as support or defence type. But that is not all that earth element can do!"explain her father

Suddenly, with a flick of his finger, he made a huge earth Golem! It looked so strong and powerful! Siara found it so amazing!

"Father! Father! What is that? That thing is so cool! Can I also be able to create something so big and strong?"asked Siara in an excited tone

Her father smiled.

"Of course you can! Maybe you will be able to create an even more bigger and powerful Golem than mine, there is no limit! As long as you are strong, you will be able to do it!"said her father

Flashback end

Siara knew what she needed to do! She has to make the biggest Golem she has ever created to escape from here!

She started to focus all her energy and powers to create the ultimate Golem!

The ground and earth began to shake! The ants underneath her began to disperse, the ant queen also went away.

Only Siara was there, beneath her a huge magic circle appeared! The earth around her gathered! All of the soil started to merge together!

Siara felt like she was being lifted up, she wanted to reach higher and higher! Before she knew it! She was no longer underneath the hole.

The huge Golem jumped out of the hole! Siara felt like she has reached the skies! She was on top of that Golem! The Golem was as tall as the Burj Khalifa which is 828 m tall!

The Golem looked even more strong and powerful than the one her father made! Siara felt like more than half of her powers is gone to make the Golem!

She felt so relieved that she was no longer inside the hole!

But soon troubles came knocking at Siara, which even Lin Xia could not predict!

Zero's side

Zero and the spiders were actually living in harmony! They were truly nice to him!

The spiders used their non sticky web and made a comfortable hammock for Zero.

Zero also found out that the human turned spider is one of the most unique kind of spider among the Demonic, thunderous spider race! The other spiders couldn't transform into human until they reach S rank! But surprisingly it can!

The spiders taught him how to properly make use of his lightning! They were sharing their skills with him.

He was learning a lot from the spiders!

The spiders also started to grow attached to him! They really loved this human's lightning! His lightning help them a lot! They could feel that they were going to breakthrough! They really wanted Zero to be able to use that ability for more than 2 times a day.

Suddenly an unexpected guest made an appearance in the spiders territory! It was a S rank lizard Monster!

The monster wasn't huge, but it definitely has the killing aura!

"Human! Run! You are not capable of handling it!"shouted a spider

The lizard began to attack the spiders! It began to envelope the spiders inside the earth wall!

"Non of you can escape! You are all going to be my dinner!"said the lizard!

The spiders began to shoot out their sticky webs to make a defence barrier!

Zero found it so saddening! As he saw one of the spider that was taking care of him being eaten by the lizard! He found himself so weak!

Zero knew that he needs to escape! He knows that he needs to go! But he can't leave them alone! He knows his actions are going to be crazy! But these spiders are his friends! He will save them at any cost!

Zero activated the secret technique his mother had gave him!

Zero's emerald eyes began to have a hint of silver and red! He felt calm and collected!

"Hey you ugly monster! If you have the guts than come and get me!"shouted Zero arrogantly

Su Ziya's side

Lin Xia used the air element to come behind Su Ziya and cut her wings off!

Su Ziya felt so much pain! She started to fall from the sky at an alarming rate!

As she was about to become a smashed tomato, she felt soft cushioning.

Su Ziya felt so confused!

"Su Ziya, you should just surrender! Don't fight! You should just nicely merge with Su Ziya! If you don't then I won't hesitate to fight against you!"said Lin Xia

The wings and horns began to disappear! Su Ziya's hair and eyes returned to normal.

"Brother Lin where am I? What is going on? I was just turning into a frozen ice cube! Ouch! It hurts!"cried out Su Ziya

Lin Xia felt like something is fishy about this, but she still decided to go and check out Su Ziya's condition.

"Mia, you need to have your guard up!"warned the weird voice

Lin Xia quickly went to Su Ziya's side.

Su Ziya looked so weak and tired!

Suddenly, she smiled sinisterly, and before Lin Xia could dodge her attack! Lin Xia head was sliced off.

"No one tells me what I need to do! I will rule over this body! It belongs to me and only me!"said Su Ziya while laughing like crazy!