Kaye and Ivan were harmonious this past weeks since the first time they argued and gained understanding of each other.

It was a beautiful sunny morning on Saturday that Kaye decided to drop by the supermarket. This time, she was alone but she was happy doing the deed. She was pushing her cart as she walked down the aisle of baking ingredient with her phone between her shoulder and ear, while grabbing a box of flour.

"Do you want anything else? I got most of the things for baking." she asked the other person on the line which was Ivan.

"Nothing else. Just grab whatever you like." he answered after giving her the list of items he wanted her to get. "Do you still have enough money? I can transfer some to your account."

"No need. I have cash here. If this isn't enough, I'll just use my card. You can pay me later." she told him before putting the box of flour and pushed the cart again.

Ivan chuckled hearing her answer. "Okay. Just come back soon so you can rest. I'll get back to work now."

"It's fine. I'll hang up now." Kaye ended the call and continued searching for the things she needed before she went to a Bookstore to buy the things that Ivan asked her.

Ivan was working on his next project with Alex on the line presenting his ideas. He called Alex through Skype right after his call with Kaye to continue their work. He didn't really need those things he wanted her to buy, but he wanted to know how she was doing and asking her to buy something was enough reason to call her.

"Bro, once this project is done, can we take a break? I want to give my parents a surprise visit." Alex interjected after he was done with his discussion.

"No problem. However, you need to get a project that I can work on while you're out of town. I need to earn more." Ivan said before typing the information to check if it was working.

"You need more money? It's not like you have a girlfriend to spend your money with and with tye number of zeroes you have in your account, you can live for few lifetimes with it." Alex scoffed at him with incredulous expression.

"That's exactly the reason. I don't have a girlfriend but that doesn't mean I can't get one. If I do have, I won't want her to suffer from work so I need money to provide whatever she needs." Ivan retorted without a change of expression or a change of tone in his voice.

"Fine. I'll get one for you. Mr. Kholl was really happy with the security system last time. He recommended us to his partners. I'll check on the mails later." Alex still didn't believe his reason to get money and if there was a reason he could believe, it was to earn his own money for surgery.

Ivan and Alex continued working until past eleven, but Kaye wasn't home yet. He wanted to eat lunch with her so he didn't step out for food. After a while, he heard the door bell rang and he frowned. If it was Kaye, she would just open the door herself without bothering him, but she could be carrying so much stuff that she can't open it. With that idea in mind, Ivan walked toward the door while the doorbell rang unceasingly.

Mrs. and Mr. Jimenez stood outside Kaye's apartment door for a while before they heard some shuffling noise inside the room getting closer. They just arrived from Malaysia and wet directly to their daughter's house to give her a surprise, but they were the one getting surprised instead.

The one who opened the door for them isn't their beautiful daughter, but a handsome man around late twenties with a white shirt on and a sweatpants. He was walking barefooted and his hair were disheveled giving him a cute aura. The couple were stunned with the sight and Mrs. Jimenez glanced the room number again.

"Honey, we knocked on the right door right?" Mrs. Jimenez was stupefied for disturbing someone's home. "I'm sorry young man for disturbing you." she turned to him and bowed with apology.

"It's fine. No need to apologize." he responded back but didn't ask them to get inside or shoo them away, instead he asked "You were looking for someone?"

Mr. Jimenez was observing him as well and it occurred to him that his eyes didn't move or showed any expression, it was a blank look. He coughed to clear his throat and answered him. " We are not sure if our daughter moved or not. Last time we checked, she was staying in this room. Do you perhaps know her?"

"I know someone who stayed here. Can you tell me your daughter's name?" Ivan inquired careful of offending the couple in front of him. Since the guard let them in, that means that their daughter was indeed in this place and they frequently visited her.

"Her name is Kaye Jimenez. Does it ring a bell?" Mr. Jimenez continued. His wife was still standing not knowing what to do or to say after apologizing.

"Oh it's Kaye. Please come in. She isn't home yet." he opened the door wide and let them in. He didn't hear any weird tone from the couple but love and fear for their child instead.

Mrs. and Mr. Jimenez followed Ivan silently their eyes speaking their confusion and fear. Mr. Jimenez brought the bag containing the gift for her daughter while Mrs. Jimenez clutched her own bag, feeling nervous but she wanted to confirm something.

"Pardon my rudeness, but you can't see?" she inquired in a low voice with a bit of concern.

"Ah yes. Due to an accident, I lost my sense of sight. I hope it's not bothering you." he said before he walked to the kitchen and brought them a tray of snacks and juice.

"Not at all. Just a little worried you would trip over. Thank you for these, but you don't really have to bother yourself. We're good here. Just continue whatever you're doing." Mrs. Jimenez answered when he returned back with the refreshments.

"It's okay. It's no longer new to me." what he meant was people asking or doubting the condition of his eyes. He went back inside to his room and explained to Alex that he would be out for a while and that he would give him a call back. After he settled his business matter, he approached the couple once again.

"Let me introduce myself formally, I'm Ivan Harley and I'm Kaye's roommate. Please to meet you." Ivan reached out his hand for a handshake. It was Mr. Jimenez who shook it first uttering a 'nice to meet you, too' before Mrs. Jimenez did.