The Face-Paralyzed CEO Goose-Hubby Dotes His Sweet Goose-Wifey (1)

"Why did you choose her over me? WHY?" Gooselina cried.

"It's because she's everything that you're not." Goosington replied, "Plus, she's your sister, and I'm kind of into that kind of stuff"

He kicked out his orange leg, causing Gooselina, who gripped onto it and begged at him, to flinch back. By Goosington's side was Whitelotusgoose, who was once Gooselina's sister. Goosington was her ex-fiance.

But now... now... Goosington broke their engagement up by choosing her sister over her.

Whitelotusgoose wrapped her wing around Goosington's wing. "Come on, Goosington, let's go," she cooed, "There's no point staying around trash like her."

Gooselina, abandoned on the floor, looked at the disappearing figure of the two of them. Feebly, she reached out a wing, crying, "No! No! No no no no no honk no!"

But the two were gone.

Rain started falling over Gooselina's dejected self. She slowly pushed herself up, wiping away her tears with her feathers.

To other geese who were passing by this area, they might have seen an ashamed and belittled goose, abandoned by her goose-fiance. Yet with a closer look, a glint of something different flashed in Gooselina's eyes.

She would not allow something so shameful to happen again.

Her fiance gets stolen? So what? She won't cry any tears over that Goosington!

Her sister betrayed her? So what? She won't feel any anger over insignificant geese like that!

Her career, reputation, and life was ruined? So what?

She'll rebuild all of it and restore her goosey-glory once more!

She would make sure that in the future, Goosington would be the one begging her. She would make sure that in the future, she'll be the one kicking Goosington aside and laughing in front of her Whitelotusgoose sister.

They'll regret it in the future. She knew that they will.

A smirk appeared across Gooselina's beak.

It was time to find herself a sugar daddy CEO goose, since by the law of all romance novels, how could she possibly get her revenge by herself?