Wedding Preparation

"Lady Monte..."

Emerald placed the opened envelopes on the tea table and reached for the tea, realizing that she had already emptied it. Her hands reached out for the teapot, but halted as soon as she saw another hand help the teapot.

Kathleen attentively offered to pour tea to Emerald's empty cup, making Emerald blush with appreciation.

"Your Majesty, what is it that you wanted to say?"

Emerald momentarily forgot what she was about to say. Thankfully, remember and ask Lady Monte.

"Are we informed of the day Lady Baldivis would be coming?"

The black hair lady nodded and quickly answered her inquiry, "Yes. It would be a day before your wedding, your Majesty."

Emerald sighed hopelessly.

The letter would not reach her on time if she wrote it now. The House of Baron would just have to learn the truth of Emerald's actual marriage partner on the day she arrives.

There were only a few more remaining days before the wedding. Then, it would be the coronation of the Second Prince as the new Emperor of the East. Certainly, The East Pavilion would be frantic for all the preparations happening in the same month as would have to prepare for accomodations, foods and dresses.


As the wedding day approached, tensions inside the Palace built. The stress was overwhelming as it seemed that the servants were unprepared for the sudden wedding.

The days were flying like a page being turned to the next chapter. It was already a day before the wedding.

Calester, who kept tossing and turning in his huge bed, was still trying to fall asleep. The sun had already peaked through his window, but his body showed no signs of wanting to rest. He lay down on his back and deeply sighed as he gave up.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Calester sat up and pulled his upper body towards the bed's headboard.

"What is it, Roy?

Roy took a second to answer as he carefully spoke.

"Did you want your food to be served in your chamber?"


"Then, I'll instruct the chef to prepare some light food for you and ask the maids to serve you in your chamber."

"No, wait. Call Leo for me."

"Of course... Then, I'll excuse myself."

After a brief exchange, Roy left carrying a task to find Leo.


While Calester finished some of the work that he did not finish last night, a knock on the door suddenly caught his attention.

"You were looking for me, your Majesty?"

"Good. You're here."

Promptly, Calester left his seat and headed towards the door to open it. A confident smile greeted him on the door.

"Did you need something?"

"Bring Emerald to the Garden. I need to talk to her."

Leo blinked in disbelief. He could not fathom the request that Calester was asking. Scratching his head, he asked in amusement. "Who...?"

Calester schooled his facial expression to show disinterest towards Leo's pretentious action. He smiled and turned around, closing the door behind him.


Emerald heard a knock on the door. The sound was so light, but it still manages to disturb Emerald's peaceful morning. It has already been a few days since she moved into the Western Palace, she was still not used to its solemn atmosphere. In a few more days, all of her belongings would be moved to the West Pavillion.

"Who is it?"

"Your Majesty, it's Lucia."

Alerted by Lady Monte's voice, she quickly responded, "what is it?"

"It's rude of me to disturbed your sleep..."

As this was unfolding, she had a sudden deja vu moment of the morning when Doris came to her bedroom, informing her that the second Prince summoned her.

Emerald cleared her throat to stable her voice.

"It's okay... what happened?"

Her heart pounded in nervousness as she waited for Lucia's response.

"The Captain of the Royal Guard is here."

Her instinct was right. It was Leo.

"His Majesty is asking for you. Please come see him in the garden... Moon of the Empire."

Hair stood up from the back of her neck upon hearing him addressed her as the moon of the Empire. She was not quite used to it yet. It was the same for Leo as his voice sounded hesitant.

Leo heard a suppressed giggle from the other side of the door, making him feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. He glanced at Lucia, who was silently observing his face on the corner, looking unbothered.

Emerald looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall next to the entrance. It was still too early in the morning. She blinked slowly, trying to fight the urge not to fall back asleep, stretching her arms to revive her energy.

She was convinced that Calester would not call her for something unimportant, she instructed. "Tell him, I'll be there in 10 mins."

"Okay, your Majesty" Leo acknowledged and quickly left, still recovering from the embarrassment. As soon as his figure vanished, Lucia came inside Emerald's chamber.

"My lady, let me help you with your dress."

Emerald reminded Lucia that she would be meeting with Maggie later when the lady arrives at the Palace.

"I don't want to dress up too boldly so early in the morning."

"I understand, your Majesty."

As soon as Emerald got dressed, she went out of her chamber and headed towards the Garden of the Central Palace. The garden was as beautiful as always. It flares such blessing to the eyes. In a few minutes, Emerald reached the corner where she and Calester last spoke. She looked around, expecting that Calester would be there already. She approached the bench and sat gracefully.

"You're here."

When Emerald looked up. She saw a figure with a familiar face. His silver hair sparkles under the setting sun. His face was so admirable and charming like always.

"You called. What's going on?"

Calester laughed with a sigh of relief. It was good to see Emerald looking a little lost and concerned. His burden seemed to have lessened and his anxiety slowly calmed down.

"It's been awhile since we haven't seen each other."

Calester's casual talk was not something that Emerald was familiar with. From their last encounter, he has been very forward. Emerald brows unconsciously furrowed, trying to figure out his current mood. Since they grew up separately, the few things she knew about him was blurry in memories.

"... just tell me. Is there something bothering you?"

He phased back and forth for quite some time before he decided to stop and sat next to her, biting his lips as he was lost for words.

"I..." he opened his mouth and closed it a few times. But, he seemed to have trouble expressing himself.

"Don't tell me... Have you changed your mind?"

Calester looked at Emerald for a moment. It was a moment too long and finally he broke their eye contact. He quickly shifted his eyes on the empty space, completely avoiding Emerald's glances.

"No— Not that... It's something else."

"Okay. Then, tell me." She asked, "What is it?"

"Are you ready to be Empress of Goldivia?" Calester shook his head. It was not the question he wanted to ask. He retreated his initial question and asked again, "Are you sure you want to get married to me tomorrow?"

Surprised by the unexpected question. Emerald looked at Cal's gorgeous side profile. His eyes were now focused on the floor, distracted and confused. He leaned on his knees and clasped his hands together.

Emerald felt a pinch in her chest as she did not know how to act. Confused, she reached for his silver head and gently spoke.

"... Are you here to change my mind?"

He slowly nodded. Hesitant to admit, but he spoke honestly "...Maybe?"

Calester straightened his back and caught Emerald's hand and placed it in his chest. He did not look at her. He thought that the moment he looked at her. She will see right through him. It was the last thing he wanted to happen.

"I have guests to greet..." After a second, Calester let go and stood up. "It's still your choice if you want to marry or not." Before he left, he said his last words, "show up if you choose to marry."