The Prince's Ex-Lover

The news of the House of Arquilie and De Morgues entering a political marriage spread like wildfire among the nobles. At first, Alexis did not believe it as there were always rumors surrounding the Imperial household.

'It was nothing new', she thought, hearing it from another noble.

It was true that it was already determined that the daughter of Duke Arquilie will enter a political marriage with the House of De Morgues. This was announced to the entire Empire when Alexis was 17 years old.

The Emperor announced that Prince Calisto, his first son, will enter a political marriage with Emerald Arquilie when she reaches the legal age of marriage-- eighteen. But, a few days before she turned 18 years old. The Prince was assigned to mission, postponing the arranged marriage between the two households.

Of course, the Duke was not happy receiving the news as he could see his daughter suffering from Emperor Callen's decision. But, he could not do anything about it as he knew that the Emperor was prioritizing the security of the Empire's future.

But, now it is here. It is the official announcement from the Imperial court that the two households are finally reuniting.

"How old is the Duke's daughter now?"

"The miss is 20 years old, my Lady."

"Oh. Then, it has been two years. Prince Calester has finally returned.."

"It has not been confirmed by my Lady. There was no news from the Imperial household about it."

Alexis' heart dropped. What does that mean? She looked at her maid with an upset expression.

Her eyes shake upon hearing the truth. She knew immediately that the letter on her hands was not from Calisto, but Calester. Her heart squeezed a little, making it a little hard for her to breathe. Quickly, she tore the letter open to look at the invitation.

"Who's getting married?"

She lost her composure, trying to open the letter with all her might.

"The Imperial household has only sent the initials. I apologize to my lady. I'm not sure how to address your concern."

Alexis' hand started shaking, her anxious heart could not calm down from the possibility that Calester would be the new marriage partner of Duke's Arquilie's daughter. She placed both her shaken hands to her chest to try to remain calm, at least on the surface.

Concealing the anxiety building within her, she asked, "Can it be that Prince Calester is the one getting married?"

"It is a possibility Miss."

Her knees felt weak upon hearing the possibility that this letter was sent as an invitation for Calester's and Emerald's wedding. Unconsciously, the letter in her hand became crumpled as she tried regaining back her senses.

"My Prince... is marrying another woman."

She whispered under her breath. It was so sudden that she could not wrap her head around the idea that she can no longer be Mrs. De Morgues.

"Please let it be the news that Prince Calisto has returned... because I won't accept it."

The maid silently listened as Alexis spoke to herself.

Alexis breathed, trying to release the tension that has built up in her body. She told herself that nothing was confirmed that everything will be resolved as soon as she meets Calester. It's not helping that she kept thinking only negative thoughts.

"When are we leaving for the wedding, Mirma?"

"It will be tomorrow, Miss."

"Is there any way that we can leave tonight?"

Alexis felt anxious that she could not do anything, but wait.

"No, Miss. The Marquis and your mother are attending official duties today and are away right now. We will have the carriage ready by tomorrow."

"Is that so? I guess, I will wait then."


The night fell, but Alexis could only toss and turn as her anxiety built, wanting to run towards Castle to meet Calester as soon as possible.

"Please let me see him soon."

She closed her eyes, trying her best to fall asleep. But, with no avail, when the sun rose she was still unable to sleep. Still, she layed in bed hoping that tomorrow she would have the energy and a clear mind to speak with Calester.

After a few minutes, she had decided to get ready, changing her clothes and fixing her red hair to be more manageable. She glanced at the invitation that was left on the floor near her bed. She did not have the strength to pick it up yesterday. She walked over to the edge of her bed to pick up the letter that read, " House of Felon."

A few minutes later, she heard a knock on the door. It was her maid Mirma, informing her that the breakfast and carriage was ready.

"Skip breakfast. I need to go to the Castle right away."


As soon as they reached the Castle, Alexis immediately requested an audience with Calester, still hoping that it was not him that was getting married.

"The Prince is still away, my Lady. Please be a little patient as he is meeting the guest."

Every minute she was there, her intuition was becoming more and more stronger, telling her that what she initially thought was right. But, she kept denying it, thinking that she was just overthinking things and Calester just needs to confirm that all this is happening because Prince Calisto has finally returned.

"How long should I wait?"

"We will escort you, Lady Felon once the Prince summons you."

"Please tell him."


After a long wait, their imperial guards had finally come back asking for her. Alexis quickly stood from her chair, racing towards them like a child that was in a hurry to play.

"Please follow us, Lady Felon."

She nodded with no hesitation, quickly following them as her maid followed from behind. They walked towards the Ruby Palace and as soon as she caught a glimpse of Calester entering his chamber. She called him.

"Your highness, Prince Calester!"

Calester, who was looking down at the floor and wondering if everything that was happening was still a dream, looked up to see Alexis racing towards him. The moment she caught him with her hands, her body immediately reached out to hug him. He caught her and hugged her slightly.

"Why did you need to see me?"

"Cause of the wedding, is the Crown Prince finally returned?"

Alexis looked up at Calester, hoping that he would smile and tell her that she was right.

"I'm getting married Alexis..."

She looked around confused. Is it a prank that Calester orchestrated? But, no one was laughing.

"But... I thought you didn't want to be Emperor, why?"

"I can't tell you. But, you'll know why."

"What? Why can't you tell me?"

"Stop acting childish Alexis, we're the same age."

Alexis let go of Calester, acting much more composed than what Calester had initially thought.

"So, You're not marrying me anymore."

Calester laughed unexpectedly.

"Lady Felon, I told you before. Don't fall for me. Didn't I?