A Warm First Kiss

Away from the gathering crowd, Emerald unconsciously touched her lips. As the music continued to play in the background of her thoughts, she recalled Calester's lips that sealed her lips after hours had passed. It was such a random tingling feeling that all of a sudden wanted to come out.

She bit her lips in disbelief trying to distract herself from the thought. However, without even realizing, her mind slips back to her previous thought as if wanting to relive the moment of her first kiss. An instant disappointment rose to her cheeks when she caught herself thinking about it again. It was a shameful act that she did not imagine to engage in.

With all the turmoil that was happening in her head, she was still able to give a friendly smile towards the strangers who would make accidental eye contact with her.

'What a nuisance' she thought to herself while fixing the folds of her dress.

"Nuisance..?' a soft voice, almost like a whisper, caught Emerald's attention. Without delay, Emerald turned her head to the direction of where she thought it came from. But as quick as her reflex was, she was unable to identify the voice because the presence of the mysterious person disappeared like a passing wind.

Emerald reached for temples and rubbed it gently. She must be imagining things because the music was loud and so are the people who were chatting amongst themselves.

Unconsciously, she touched her lips the second time. The lingering warms of the lips she just kissed was still there. It was intoxicating her senses, but she did not know how to deal with it.

Then a question popped out of nowhere: would it feel the same way every time? Why did it feel delicately sweet and warm? Is that what it feels like to kiss someone? Her thoughts kept returning to the memories of her first kiss.

Emerald blushed from such thoughts and finally shook her head again, fighting the urge to not recall Calester's lips. She was afraid that someone in the crowd, who might have the ability to read her dangerous thoughts, would reveal it. She covered her eyes, avoiding curious stares of the people who were secretly studying her.

"What is wrong with me now?" she criticized, finding a way to comprehend her emotions, convincing herself that it just had to happen that way as kiss was a sacred part of a wedding ceremony. She slouched from her seat, forgetting for a second that she was in a crowd full of people watching her. She quickly straightened up as soon as she heard someone called her.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing there? You seem a little out of it."

Kathleen, Emerald's lady-in-waiting, approached Emerald with a filled glass in each hand. Her pale complexion was now bright red, walking clumsily towards the maiden.

"Oh! I-i'm j-just.."

Emerald, who was caught off guard, was not able to answer properly as she stumbled upon her words in panic. The blood rushed to her face quickly making her flushed in embarrassment. She breathed in lightly to help compose herself.

"Here, Your Majesty. You must try it!"

Kathleen, who was unaware of Emerald's ordeal, excitedly sat down next to Emerald and handed her the mysterious drink that she brought with her.

Before Emerald could ask, Kathleen reached out her hands to bring the drink to Emerald's lips, only suggesting it's good.

Without resisting, Emerald parted her lips and drank the mysterious liquid from the stainless glass. She quickly recognises the sweet and bitter taste of it. The liquid quickly traveled through her throat, leaving her with a hot sensation in her mouth which made her a little dizzy. That was when she realized it was quite a strong alcohol.

Lucia, who just arrived at the scene, quickly ran towards Emerald when she realized the young lady was just given a strong alcohol.

"What on earth were you doing, Kathleen!"

Lucia quickly reprimanded Kathleen for doing something rude and embarrassing. She quickly shifted her attention to the maiden who seemed to be confused about the whole situation.

"I'm sorry, your Majesty. Kathleen acted so rashly..."

Emerald, who could not understand what Lucia was speaking about, only smiled at her, pretending to be fine. Soon, a figure came towering over her by his huge shadow.

"Why do you like that... are you okay?"

Calester, who just returned from greeting the guests, was surprised at the unexpected turn of events. He looked at Emerald for a second with her hands still holding the almost empty glass and clicked his tongue as if annoyed. With her cheeks completely red, he instantly responded, "let's go, Empress."

Emerald stood up from her seat, brushing Calester's hand away from her. She walked a few steps while Calester followed, conscious of the distance between them. Out of nowhere, she turned her heels and faced the soon to be Emperor. It took her a minute as she looked down at the glass.

"It's delicious, your Majesty. Have you tried it?"

Calester burst out laughing and grabbed Emerald by the wrist, taking the almost empty glass out of her hands and leaving it at one of the empty tables. He took one cold glass of water and handed it to Emerald.

"I'll help you, drink some water."

Emerald readily obeyed and drank the water, flushing away the bitter aftertaste of the alcohol. After emptying the glass, Calester took Emerald out of the ballroom, away from the many eyes that wanted to see her fail today.

"I don't really know where we are going... but you need some fresh air, Empress."

Calester pulled Emerald gently to follow him. The two of them exited the Central Palace quietly, bumping into a few of the Royal guard that was guarding the Party outside.

It's been a long day. The fatigue has started creeping in as Calester relaxed a little, away from the eyes of the nobles. The couple continued to take the path leading to the garden. Somehow, Emerald found it as an opportunity to speak casually.

"Yeah... I was wondering why that drink tasted bitter when it smelled really sweet. What a fraud."

Indeed, it was a night to remember, he thought while still trying to grasp the reality that he had just married his first love.

They sat down on the field of flowers when they reached the garden and silently, Calester watched Emerald as she slept on his shoulder. Looking at her triggered, a once, painful memory.

When Calisto was chosen as Emerald's marriage partner, the Emperor sat down with Calester and personally commanded him to refrain himself from any involvement with the daughter of Duke Arquilie.

Recalling what his father told him, he just smiled painfully.

"Why do you look like that?"

Calester was startled by the sudden question. He thought the lady beside him had already fallen asleep. He coughed to regain his calm composure and asked her, "like what?"

"The Prince looks upset." she mumbled under her breath, not realizing the man beside was trying so hard to conceal his emotions as a soft breeze blew touching their warm skin as her blue eyes look upon him. When Calester did not answer, Emerald quickly changed the subject absentmindedly.

"Your Kiss.. your Majesty" she began, trying to find the right words to describe her emotions " feels so real."

Calester blinked and laughed at Emerald drunken state. It sounded like her words were not meant for him to hear. So, he stayed quiet as he observed the beautiful maiden sitting next to him.

"I can't believe... I married you."

Calester's eyes widened, thinking that Emerald just read his thoughts. Her face looked so calm as she rested on his shoulder, but his cheeks burned with redness.