Sun rays gliding the sky knocking at the window , the shadow formed on the floor reminds me of my pleasant life ,all silent and peaceful. I woke up early after hearing some footsteps ,I wonder who it might be .I wanted to ask for help and be free. After a few moments, someone finally opened the door ,I stood on my legs ,I guess it was faith .I was rescued by a dog ,not a ordinary but everyone's favorite Shiro. Ah my mind is curious how did he do it .As I went out I understood it all, it was time of winter ,and because of the snow fall ,the door was jammed ,so when Shiro came here to perform his morning duty ,the door unlocked. But still why I cannot feel the cold breeze , everyone is wearing so cozy-warm dress and me stuck in this hospital uniform .Ah I know someone who can save me ,if Shiro was here that means Shin Chan is nearby. This time I will give a formal introduction.
I waited with Shiro at the school gate for an hour ,but no one came. Was Shiro lost ?if he is lost then I could just return him and become the superhero, hahaha .I headed toward Shin Chan's home . I tiptoed along the streets ,being very cautious and alert.
I rang the bell as soon as I approached there, but no one opened it .I found the door was open so I slipped in.