Mysterious Voice

"Do you want a second chance?"

The ancient voice responded inside Lenin' s mind. Lenin opened his eyes to find himself in a pitch-black space.

Where the hell am I? Didn't I jump to my death?

The current situation didn't make sense to Lenin at all. He was supposed to be dead. Even if this was supposed to be an afterlife, it wasn't much of an afterlife at all.

There was no yellow road or heaven and hell like how it was supposed to be. Even though he's never believed in this kind of stuff, it was still interesting to learn about it.

Now however he was stuck in a pitch-black space with not a soul in the place. He recalls hearing a faint voice that woke him up but it must've been his imagination.

"Hey! Hello! Anyone home?!" with not much of an option Lenin decided to just shout until someone shows up. Like what's the worse that can happen. Right?

After an insane amount of time, something finally happened. A super faint voice could be heard throughout his surroundings. It was so faint that he couldn't even tell what it was saying.

"What was that?! I really can't hear you. Can you speak up"

"Do ??????????????????? ance" the voice responded.

"Huh?! Seriously you need to speak up"


The silence continued for quite a while until the voice returned. This time it was much louder and way clearer. maybe a little too loud.


The sudden loud voice nearly scared him to death. wait...

Before he could even respond the voice continued. "DO YOU WANT A SECOND CHANCE!?" the ancient voice asked.

"A second chance at what?" immediately he felt stupid.

'You fucking moron what do you think he trying to give you a second chance at'

Another bout of silence continued.


If he had a face, it would be on fire from the embarrassment. He wanted to say yes but he was hesitant. Not because he had any other options but because he had no idea who was making the offer.

For all, he knows this voice might be an evil being that wants to make him his slave. It wouldn't be surprised since he was quite a good looking man.

"Who are you ?" Lenin asked as he tries to get a better understanding of what was happening.

"WE'VE WASTED TOO MUCH TIME. YES, OR NO. " the voice laid out the option. This time it was very impatient.

"Yes," it wasn't like he had anything to lose. The only things that are worrying him were the motive behind this mystery voice.

"Remember whatever you do. Don't...."

Lenin waited for a while until he finally asked. "Don't what?"

There was no response from the voice. Just as he was about to ask again he felt deep pain.

It was the first time he's felt anything since he woke up in this place. First, the pain was subtle then it increases in intensity. Soon he felt an unimaginable pain which made him pass out.


Inside a magnificent hall somewhere in the vast universe.

A gigantic throne sat at the end of the hall. The throne was pitch black with nothing engraved on it. Even with just the plain black simple design the on radiated a sense of awe and majesty.

At the moment an old man sat on this throne with his back slouched and his eyes closed. If it wasn't for the subtle movement oh his chest people would've mistaken him as a dead old man. From the pitch-black crown on the old man's head, one could tell he was a monarch of some sort.

"Your Majesty are you sure he's the only suitable candidate left?" the voice of a young girl sounded from the bottom of the thrown.

In front of the throne, a young girl could be seen kneeling to the old man. Just one look at her voluptuous body you can tell she was a great beauty.

"We have no choice. My time is running out. Anymore searching then I'm afraid it will be too late." the old man replied.

If Lenin were here he would be shocked since he was familiar with this voice. It was the same old voice that spoke to him.

"With all due respect your highness he's just too weak. His soul is the lowest of the mortal level beings. Even the Milkyway System that his world is in is weak. Any galactic being with a little bit of power can easily destroy it with barely any effort." the young girl started stating her concerns.

The old man on the throne just stayed quiet even after the young girl had stopped talking. The silence continued for a bit before he finally spoke.

"The universe is vast and fate is sometimes mysterious. My child, you have to understand that nothing is certain. Even a being like myself can't say for sure how exactly fate will play out. All we can do is make use of our instincts and hope for the best." After saying that the old man revealed a slight smile.

He then opened his eyes revealing two completely empty sockets where the eyeballs were supposed to be. If one looks closer into the eyes they would notice a faint black glow making it even more creepy.

"Now go child. Accompany my successor on his journey." the old man ordered the still kneeling girl.

"Your wish is my command" with a salute the girl disappeared from the throne room.