The next day-

A huge uproar was caused within the palace, which alerted both Jiao Mingue and Jiao Bo (the vice-general). Jiao Bo signaled Jiao Mingue to stay here while he examined the surroundings. Jiao Mingue nodded her head lightly. She didn't expect Long Tao's word from earlier to have come true. Just what did Long Tao do to cause such a huge commotion within the palace. All she hoped was that the enemies to have not made any move. She has not yet prepared for a counter-response. Jiao Bo returned with a grim shocked face.

Jiao Mingue's initial thoughts were that something bad just occurred to have caused the expression of her uncle to be this bad. "has the enemy attack already arrived?" Jiao Mingue asked in a very nervous tone. Jiao Bo calmed himself down and said" Its not that. I just got to know what Long Tao meant from his first move.". Jiao Mingue was getting excited now. "What has he one?"