Long Tao decided to move the troops at night. He didn't want to give the enemy a fair chance to set up their bases and re-group with their back-up forces.

" We will be moving with a slow, but steady speed. You are to conserve your energy. " The path was shown to the cavalry.

" We will be following the path marked in white. The area marked in blue is the sites we will be setting our camps." The commanders were surprised to hear that Long Tao wanted to set camps in the forest regions.

" We would like to have a word with the Dragon general." A commander's meet was assembled.


" Is it a good strategy to set up bases within the forest regions. We are in a situation of war. You wanted to move during the night to avoid giving the enemy time. This plan will be halting our progress."

Long Tao took a piece of paper out. " This is a report provided by my spy. Would the speaker be kind enough to read it out loud."