" The second prince asked for sir Long Tao's assist. The fate of our country lies in this matter. "

" Even if what you say is true, why should I believe that the second prince sent you. Even better, why should I believe that the second prince knows Long Tao by any chance?"

" The prince met sir Long when he came to visit the Chu capital with the princess. He instructed that the document would contain enough evidence fro sir Long to confirm his identity."

Di Tao dismissed the messenger. He opened the document and went through the contents. It had a detailed description of the whole meeting he had with the second prince along with every single word they had spoken.

" It seems I need to verify this proposal."


The attack on the enemy troops began soon after the commander's meeting. The placement of the soldiers was similar to the one used before. The army marched into the mountains as night fell upon the skies.