Li Meng's bone was crushed into powder and the marrow within it was being tempered by lightning energy. His body was like a small puddle as of now, which was being slowly rebuilt by the refinement. The marrow within the bones directly interacted with the thunder energy and began to extrude some impurities.

These were the hidden assimilations which were accumulated over the long period of cultivation. Once the marrow extrudes enough impurities, it could finally begin the process of refining. Li Meng held his breath and persisted through the process. This was the first time he felt the pain after practising Hell-forging art.

The marrow finally managed to extrude enough impurities and was shining with a bright red colour. Thunder energy then started refining it. A practitioner needs to control the amount of energy that goes into the refining of marrow. If it was too high and the marrow couldn't sustain its power, it would simply lead to a disaster for the cultivator.