The art was slowly being transmitted into Li Meng's mind. All 18 volumes were slowly being passed to him. Once the whole art was imprinted in his mind, Li Meng opened his eyes.

"The whole 18 volumes have been passed down to you. If you someday managed to rise through the Heavens and come out on the other side, I wish we could meet with each other. I would love to compare my art with the art you would have formulated at that stage."

Everything that the voice was referring to managed to cause shock within Li Meng's eyes. After the whole art was transmitted into Li Meng's mind, a ball light emerged out of the stone. It then rapidly moved towards Li Meng's body and penetrated it.

"If you are ever able to step into the Saint realm, this ball of light will help you in forging the path ahead. I hope you will survive long enough to experience this fortune."

"Is master alive or dead?"