"We need to think about this matter carefully." Xuan Lao had lots of experience in managing the group within the Taiwan mountains." The situation within the mountain is quite complicated."

"When I first arrived here, it took me lots of resources and struggle just to establish the current group. The only reason I was even successful was because of this cave. Without such a hiding spot, a novice group of bandits would be wiped out and devoured by the ravagers in the mountains, unless you are powerful enough."

"Even with the cultivation base of 8 rank Qi King, I could only be counted as a peak of middle-grade bandit leaders. If I want to become the top power within the eastern side, I need to enter the peak of Qi king level. Only then would I be confident enough to face the emperor level cultivators ." 

Feeling the uncertainty within Xuan Lao's voice, Li Meng decided to probe further.