"Do you have a plan for the break-through?"

"I think I will first complete the element laws since the last remaining wood and fire element are already at the earthen level. Connecting with them would be the easiest. For the other two, I am wondering if I am ready to connect with compound laws."

"You want to connect with compound laws. Do you have experience in using compound energy, except for highly draining last-minute refuge arts, like the Dominator's fist?"

"I manage to combine ten different kinds of energies while creating the art, and it has just three moves until now. I am confident to connect with compound laws. I feel that it would make it much easier for me to walk that path."

"I understand where you are coming from. But connecting with so many energies at the same time isn't simple. Especially when you connect with multiple types of elemental energies. You could become prone to backlash."