Suddenly all the energies within Lu Ming's body went wild. It was as if all the energies that conflicted with each other suddenly started attacking. His body started to swell up, and his skin turned bright red.

"What is happening to him?" Ti Shen was flabbergasted.

"I have read about this in an ancient record of our library. The law he connected to Yin-Yang, is said to have a terrifying backlash on the user's body. It is rumoured that every law energy within your body would go berserk when encountering its opposite within your body."

"The main reason for it being so scary is the fact that the laws needn't be from your law base, any law can do. Your body is a complex composite of many laws, and hence the scare of this backlash. If the user is not capable enough of controlling the outcome they are going to because of the Qi burst." The Qi Monarch said.