"You are quite insidious, junior. But I like this personality of yours. finished three cups of wine with me as a mark of our brotherhood. Mission details could be discussed later."

The two lited their wine cups,  interlocked the hands holding them, and drank the liquid clean. The ceremony was repeated two more times and had established a formal brotherhood between the two.

"We should enjoy the wine and the view for some more time. I am expecting some guest who I need to take care of."

'Who are you waiting for? Is it a friend of yours?"

"Let's just say that they are an inconvenience to this mission of mine, and hence need to be eliminated. But before the guest arrives, I have to ask. Wh is your cultivation level now?" LI Meng was an intermediate Qi king when he left the academy to do his mission. Ren Wang expected him to have improved his base by a level.