"What do you want from me?" Li Xuanfa was calm in the situation. He knew that the situation demanded a calm mind if he wanted to get out alive. The last clash had created enmity between him and Long Tao, and hence he knew that he wouldn't get out of the situation unharmed.

"I guess your life is quite valuable. First, I would like to have all the treasures, every dime of it that you carry at the moment." Li Xuanfa's eyes were filled with hesitation, yet he agreed with the condition if he could get out of the situation alive. No amount of time would help him get an upper hand.

"Second thing I want is the art which you received in the Heaven Cleaver inheritance. I want the Sky-Cleaving sword art." Li Xuanfa's expression took a turn to the worst when he heard it. Was Long Tao insane? How could he ask for the Sky-cleaving sword?

"I can't give you that. The inheritance denies me the ability to share the art." Li Xuanfa tried to take a hardstand.