" Interesting." A voice sounded in the captain's cabin. 

"What have you found." Another voice spoke up. It was the captain this time, which meant there was someone else in the cabin too.

"It is the boy whom you just conned." The voice said. The captain appeared visibly irritated by the allegation.

"I didn't coon him. He asked for guidance and I gave him a huge gift in terms of increasing his containing capacity and opening his channels to the level that they could actively harness world energy."

"You asked twenty barks of Extrem Yin tree from him. It's naked extortion. The bark itself contains ten times the world energy you gave him, and that is just one part of the whole composition. Yet you claim that you didn't con him."

"I didn't force him. I asked for a price for me to help him in world energy culture. Agreeing to my price was his decision. Honestly, I had expected him to haggle with me, but he is quite resourceful."