"Will anyone explain to me why we are in this situation? First of all, how did the Emerald Amethyst Hall know of our existence? Second, why are they so actively attacking us? Even if they found us to be rising in the shadows, they should gather their troops first and scout the situation. Direct warfare is totally out of the question under regular scenarios." One of the elders in the Hall said.

"I would like for the culprit to step forward, or we would need to pry into the situation ourselves." Another elder said in an irritated tone. Both the elders were seated at the topmost position in the whole hall, showing their status to be above the rest of the members present here.

"Sir, according to my survey, the events might be related to a recent mission which Yin Luo's group had undertaken in the water-mist village." One of the commander-level figures spoke up. He was in charge of the base they were stationed in.

"Who commissioned the mission?" The elder asked.