"You manage to come here in a safe way. Welcome to the water-mist village." Long Tao had introduced Li Meng as one of his sect brothers to Su Menqi. She greeted him likewise, but her character seemed much colder than earlier. The change in appearance and character could be attributed to her absolute-frost body.

"Should we go in? We have a lot to discuss." Li Meng led her and the avatar into the house and directed them toward their rooms. After which the three people assembled for discussion in the meeting hall.

"Long Tao here said that you have something for me to do." Su Menqi asked.

"I do have some plans for you in the water-mist village. You see, we brothers are trying our best to create small organizations within the top resource zones within the central plains. The Water-mist village is one of the potential hubs where we would like to establish a force of ours." Li Meng explained.