"Well, our friend back there is quite insidious isn't he." Li Meng said.

"He is. He even went as far as to mix a very deadly yet undetectable poison into your body." The Keeper said. "I almost didn't detect it but fortunately, the artifact is directly merged into your body. It is not possible to pass something in without it being detected by it. Even then, it is extremely rare. If we didn't possess a book of thousands of poisons, and you didn't have the hundred poison body, it would be extremely hard to detect."

"Could I use this in my poison training?" Li Meng asked.

"You should be able to. If  I am not wrong, you might even be able to upgrade your poison body to the next level. Do you want to do it?" The Keeper asked.

"Why not? It is rare to find such a poison. It is tailor-made to be used in my training. I am confident enough to upgrade my poison body to Thousand poison body arts with its help. What do you think?"

"You should start then."