Li Meng and the four avatars were very busy practising on the 5th floor. The Keeper was regulating the artefact with full force to absorb every bit of nether energy thread available in the air. The process continued for a long time until a small pothole of nether Liquid was formed within the Crimson-lord world.

" How long before you can collect a substantial amount of energy so that I can cultivate in my hell arts within the emperor realm?" Li Meng asked.

"I don't have a specific idea, but the two-month-long period should be enough for us to collect enough Nether Fluid to help in your cultivation. until the intermediate Qi Emperor level." The Keeper said.

" Just the intermediate Qi Emperor level. I would have to come back here before I could break into the Qi Monarch stage in that case." Li Meng said.

"Well, I have a suggestion if you would like to follow it." The Keeper said.

"What is it?" Leon asked.