"I guess I won that one. You have managed to grow a lot. I don't think a newly appointed Qi Emperor would be so powerful in terms of soul. I will be waiting for you to report as my servant before the beginning of the Royal Road. Extend my greetings to your master." Li Meng said before standing up and leaving. 

"I want to have another fight. We will fight in terms of our battle prowess." Hunagfu Hongue was still lying flat on the ground, but his spirit was yet to be extinguished.

"You can fight once you have completed the punishment for losing to me in this match. As far as I know, you are no more than an enslaved person now. Make sure to prepare yourself before being summoned by me. I have a lot of work for you to do." Li Meng didn't turn around. He returned to his dwelling. he knew that the sect master and older man were looking over their fight from the sky. The Keeper had warned him.