"We will how to proceed with entering the Island. There is only one pathway, and we would like you to enter in a structured manner. The three palaces and the city forces will enter first, followed by the pavillions, academies, and sects. The rest will enter after that. No need to worry since the competition will not begin until the portal closes for the next year."

"Every cultivator will be transferred to a random location which will be your starting point. From there on, you will begin yiur cultivation journey for the next —best of luck to all of you. I hope to see many of you alive at the end of the year. At that time, if you survive, our city lord will be waiting for the arrival of a new group of geniuses who will bear the torch of our future." Su Ren ended his speech on that note. 

"Please proceed." Su Ren and the test of the elders flatted above the region, watching as their juniors began to enter the portal. 
