" Tell me the truth, boy. Who are you." Shadow Demon asked.

" I have already told the truth about my identity." Li Meng said. He had hidden the secret of osm of these features, but otherwise, everything he said was true. From his birth to how he appeared here, he had iterated everything. 

"How can someone from an ordinary background cultivate his body to this extent? Your entire bone set of refined, along with all your acupoints and I can even feel another art especially practised to strengthen your acupoints further. I can heavily dense Blood Energy in each of them as if you also have a unique skill to refine your blood. On top of that, I could distinctly feel you have refined your channel to some extent as well. Even the inheritors of the strongest forces in my world only manage to do one of three things to the full extent, but you did all three of them and are even carrying out two simultaneously."