Not knowing the reason why, but every time she was facing this youth she could distinctly feel her heart thumping in her chest. She was really at a lost for words on how this youth could have such an effect on her mentality as well as her emotions.
'Why am I like this? Is it because I'm actually an easy-girl…?'
Having those deprecating thoughts of herself, her rapid heart rate gradually started to settle down. But now, she felt lost and dejected on the inside and, as a way to distract herself; she slowly moved her hands to grab the ends of her hair before lightly perming them into twists and circles.
Sitting across from her, Renan minutely noticed the changes in her behavior as well as her eyes that were turning downcast. Thus, he couldn't help but asking: "Is there something wrong? You look kinda glum all of a sudden."
"…Huh? Oh no, it's nothing really just... umm… Sorry, I'm too embarrassed to say…" she trailed off at end of her speech and simply played with her hair.
Aware that she was purposely trying to avoid this topic, Renan used this momentary time lapse to think of a method to effectively deal with the situation. Because the next words he utters could very well spell the end of their conversation, or the breath of fresh new air added unto it.
'Hmm… This could just be me, but I think she's feeling self-conscious about something. I need to quickly do something to deflect the situation.' He thought while closely monitoring the atmosphere around them so as to guide it to the right direction; that is, the direction he desired.
Putting on the gentlest expression he could make, Renan amiably said to her: "Please, there's no need for you to feel sorry or anything, I was the one who thoughtlessly asked. Anyway, I believe we haven't formally introduced ourselves yet, have we?"
Technically, the players didn't need to go out of their way to introduce themselves to others in order to know their identities. This was because the game already provided players with some basic information whenever they encountered other players like their Name, Level, Guild, and Nation. Nonetheless, it was proper etiquette to get to know each other formally first if any sort of relationship were to be established and formed among individuals.
And so, Renan happily introduced himself to her while displaying a kind smile. "My name is Lobo, and I'm a Faelbeast with the classification of wolf. Actually, this is my first time playing this game so I'm kind of a complete novice. It's nice to meet your acquaintance. What about you, Miss?"
"…My name is Ars, and I'm also a Faelbeast with the classification of cat. As for my level… I'm currently level 5 and close to levelling up. Pleased to meet your acquaintance…" She finished her introductions by bowing her head, exposing her porcelain nape in the process.
"I see. Ars, huh…" Renan closed his eyes for a bit and made a compliment, "Mhm. I like the sound of that name already. It's very nice to meet you, Miss Ars."
Renan then held out his hands for her to shake. Ars quietly stared at it for a couple of seconds, but it seemed like the owner didn't plan on retracting it before it had fulfilled its purpose. Thus, she decided to just accept his handshake sooner rather than later to not make things awkward.
Ars hesitantly stretched out her pale white hand while Renan, not wanting to delay this any longer than it should, slightly stood up from his seat and used both hands to firmly clasp hers. Within his grasp, he could sense that Ars' hand was noticeably cold and shaky; and after they broke off the handshake, the waiter from earlier finally came back to their table while bringing over two delectable drinks in each hand.
"Here are your coffee drinks, Sir and Madam. Please enjoy them." The waiter placed both the coffee mocha and frappe on the table before asking, "That while be 20 copper coins each, totaling the amount to 40 copper coins."
Renan snapped his finger and exactly 40 copper coins were produced out of his inventory. Grasping all of it in one hand, he gave it to the waiter while saying: "Here you go."
The waiter gladly received it with both his hands and, with a bow, turned around and left the table. Renan looked down at his hot coffee mocha that was still releasing quite some steam, and then at Ars who was slowly mixing her frappe before lightly taking a sip out of it. Almost instantly, her cute face brightened up like the sun and that dull expression she had on a while ago was completely wiped away without a trace.
"So, how is it?" Renan asked with a smile.
Hearing his question, Ars paused for a moment and looked at the youth sitting right across from her. She lowered down her drink to chest-level but not entirely willing to let it ago, as she responded to him in her shy yet cute voice.
"It's delicious…"
"Oh really? Then I'm glad."
He was truly relieved to hear that because he knew that he'd dodged a bullet this time. Seeing her glowing expression every time she gulps the coffee in her mouth, savoring the sugary and ice-cold flavour of the ice cream and milk, he couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction from this.
"Hey, if you want to order more please feel free to do so. Again, I'll pay for everything so you don't have to worry, okay?"
Ars visibly flinched upon hearing that, but she still continued to attend to her drink and didn't give a response. Eventually, she finished the contents of her glass and placed it down on the table.
Then, she directed her gaze towards the youth who still hasn't touched his coffee this whole time, and meekly, she said to him: "Thank you for the coffee. But… can I just ask you one question. Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Hmm? I don't know… I guess I just like being nice to you. Is that a satisfactory answer?" Renan mischievously smiled.
"Really? That's all?"
She asked in apparent disbelief over something she thought was pretty much unrealistic to happen. But in return, Renan just waved off her worries and gave a simple answer without caring to explain.
"Yep, that's all. What, is it so hard to believe it, Miss Ars?"
"W-Well yeah! I've never heard of somebody offering anything for free without harboring ulterior motives!"
"Oh, is that so~? My, my. What a terrible world we live in, don't you think~?"
Renan joked around before letting out a laugh when he saw Ars' cute pouting expression. She prodded him many times to answer her honestly, but he said the same things to her over and over and even added some frivolous remarks in between. He felt truly happy messing around with her.
'Really… The real reason why I'm so nice to you is because I like you. People like you are genuine, kind, and sincere, which is pretty hard to come by in this day and age. And, I can tell with absolute certainty that you're that type of person, Ars…'
Of course, he didn't reveal his inner thoughts to her out loud, or else she would feel even more embarrassed and would vehemently try to reject that notion. Instead, he just went along with her flustered tantrums and kept smiling mysteriously until the end.