
So Ia lot happened to me during the pandemic. I won't get into it, but needless to said it took quite a while for me to get into a creative place again. I actually came up with a quite a few book ideas but I thought I should finish this one first. I almost didn't return to it. First because I have a lot of hardship attached to this story. Secondly I really hate editing my own work. And this book needs a lot of editing…. Sigh…. I'll do it I promise lol

Okay so when I first started this book I was doing a chapter a day. I think I'll commit to three chapter a week. Anything more can be considered bonus chapters.

I'm really sorry it took so long. I honestly considered myself stronger. It's not a very comfortable feeling you know? letting down my readers. I'll work harder.

You'll never understand how much I appreciate your support, then and now.