WebNovelThe Ace13.99%

Chapter 26:

Release of Rainbow Six Siege

Ace was getting ready for school, he had completed his workout, had some breakfast, taken a shower, and now only had to finish putting on his uniform, a black suit with gold inlays, made of a fabric that cost more than some people made in a month. He picked up his bag, got in the car, and got to school. Rainbow Six Siege was coming out today, but unluckily, Ace could not stay at home. His grandmother was not picking up the phone, and Ace did not dare to skip school without asking her for permission first. Furthermore, the school required video evidence that you had stayed in a hospital for at least 4 hours. A note signed by a doctor would not cut it, considering that most kids' allowance allowed them to bribe any doctor they pleased on a weekly basis. Therefore, unless the evidence was clear, the school would punish the students depending on whether it was a repeated offence, how much time missed… For the most part, they would just take away certain privileges, but they could also remove points from your ranking, or even ban you from certain clubs for a specific amount of time, regardless of whether they ran individually to the school or not.

This all meant that Ace could not miss school, the truth was that he did not care too much about the punishments, the worst part was the phone call that came with them, if they called his grandmother, she would probably be angry unless he had a very good reason, and playing video games was most definitely not a good reason. On a good note, however, his grandmother had given him the ok to stream, but only on a specific platform called GameStream, it was a new platform, and had probably been bought by his grandmother as soon as he proposed the idea of streaming. This would allow her to control all the ads that went on the site, which was a big power if it grew as much as the other platforms had. It would be harder to begin with, but if he was one of the first, it would explain certain privileges he could get such as quick responses from the banning team if he wanted to ban a user that was abusing chat and things such as that. It was absolutely tyrannical, but Ace would say nothing to his grandmother, that's the way she did business.

For now, he had left all the software downloading, and it would be ready to play as soon as he got home. He would begin receiving challenges for his ranking in the Fight Club, but he could accept those during any breaks they had, anyone that was below him he could probably deal with pretty quickly. He also knew that if he beat his first challengers fast and brutally, it would stop others that were unsure about their strength to challenge him. His goal was that people would rather challenge the person above him in the ranks rather than him. Ace would climb up the ranks at some point, but for now, he had no need to.

Once he entered his homeroom, most people were quiet and just stared at him, but Chad, who was already there, came up to him and said: "Way to go man! We got to get some respect for our year group!" and extended his hand for a fistbump, Ace accepted it, there was no reason not to do so even if he was a bit of a douche, Chad, for all his assholeness, was the still the heir of a large conglomerate, and he would hold a lot of power in the future. Ahhhh, Samantha would be so proud.

The scores for the test they did on Friday would be posted as soon as homeroom began, in order to give people the chance to discuss, the Rankings for each subject would also be decided, and people would change homerooms if necessary starting tomorrow. Ace assumed there would be some homeroom changes in his class, but also thought that not many would move up or down. Most people that were here, regardless of their family's influence, had worked their but off and there was no reason for them to stop now.

In addition to that, if anyone had a problem with the Homeroom President, they could discuss it today, as tomorrow there would also be a meeting during school time in which all members of the Council and all Homeroom Presidents would be present. Every President could also bring an advisor, so he assumed Amy would bring him if the conversation they had had when she was elected had any meaning, which Ace assumed it did.

Once homeroom started, everyone was alerted as to their scores, everyone quickly pulled out their Noxias and checked to see how they had done, most people were happy but a few seemed displeased. The rankings in homeroom had also changed, but would soon change again once Physical Education began to be taught, Ace assumed that Trace and Chad would be lower now, but they would probably climb back up as soon as the Physical Education course began.

As expected, Ace had gotten a perfect score, 100, and was still Rank 1 for all his subjects and his Homeroom. The class ranks would also be tallied at the end of each trimester, and a number of points would be granted depending on how well they ranked, therefore, they could also influence the overall year group ranking. This meant that some swaps would probably happen as well at the beginning of each trimester.

After some time passed, where most people were in conversation, it was time to head for their first class. Ace sat in the same spot and using his Noxia, began to watch video game streams. The teacher saw him but said nothing, all had probably been informed of his scores if they had not marked them themselves, so Ace would probably have no problem with teachers unless his grades began to drop.

"Sir, some miscreant at the back of the class is using his Noxia for ill-intended purposes.", a whiny voice spoke out, Ace completely ignored it, he already knew who had spoken, it was the Class President of the Rank 2 homeroom. Over the weekend, Ace had spoken to a member of the Newspaper Club a.k.a. the Information Dealers, and he had hired him to compile a file for every single of his schoolmates, he had asked him to begin with his own year. He had paid the bonus fare which meant they would give him updated information, not just the old files they had in storage, which also included various personal notes from observations and people with relationships to the person. Ace had ensured to memorise all those files over Sunday and then deleted them as soon as he had finished.

His name was Theodore Rachel, and he was a weasel-like creature, he had gotten to be President of his homeroom by blackmailing most of the high rankers in his class. He was despicable but there was nothing they could do.

"Mr Rachel, I would implore you to mind your own business, and I am saying this for your own benefit.", the teacher attempted to appease the faux-pas Theodore had committed without knowing it, the teacher was probably a friend of the family, but Theodore was clearly too stupid to realise his mistake.

"But sir, he is clearly not following the rules stated in the Rulebook.", the boy whined again, Ace smirked internally. It seemed that Theodore had clearly not seen his face and had not recognised. Ace was still considering how to deal with this when most of the class began laughing.

They knew who the boy Theodore was shouting at was, but no one wanted to tell Theodore, it was too much fun. Then, an older kid knocked on the door and opened it, "Sorry to disturb you Sir, but Ace Goldsign needs to come with me.". With this, and in the background, the kids laughing and Theodore's pale, distraught face, the 'miscreant in the corner', stood up and walked out of the classroom.