WebNovelThe Ace26.42%

Chapter 50:

Ace breathed out, relaxing his galloping heart, they had won the second round and now had to play the final round on defence. They had won the first two rounds quite easily, but they could not relax. At the end of the day, their opponents were still some of the people with the most gametime, and so could come up with wild strategies that could easily throw them off their game.

However, the next strategy they used, no one could have expected. The round began as normal, the bombs got spotted by some drones, but they mostly got destroyed, only two remaining. However, as the round started, the anchors could already hear the sound of a Fuze being deployed, and so they backed up, this happened two more times in different positions, but as they began to move back to their positions, three shields rushed at them at full speed. The Fuze, Blitz and Montagne all ran at the poor anchors, and as Blitz used his ability, they were quickly shot down. No one had expected this, the two anchors had been killed in less than 30 seconds, and now, the attackers were planting the bomb. Ace rushed down, attempting to make a comeback, but it was not to be. As he came down the stairs, the Glaz camping outside, peeking through a window, shot him twice in quick succession and killed him.

From there, it was a snowball getting bigger, the remaining anchor attempted to take back the bomb, but after killing the Ash, he was quickly taken out by the Fuze. 1 remaining, the last player - the second roamer, now had to make a 1 v 4 comeback. And truly, she tried, she threw a C4 and triggered it, it did not take out the Montagne, but it damaged him enough that she killed him with a burst to the feet, which were not protected as his shield shifted from the damage. The Blitz, then triggered one of his charges, and she tried to move in a zigzag motion, to throw off his aim, but it was not to be, she died after a few shots.

They had lost the round, but were still in high spirits. No one could have expected the tactic, and even after their loss, they laughed at how well it had worked, and how funny it would have looked. This was why Aced played, they had lost a round, yes, but the camaraderie remained, and no one was laughing more than they themselves.

Now, they would be playing on the attack, and as they thought of the various tactics they could employ, Ace proposed one himself, and after realising the ridiculousness of such tactic, they agreed. It was the most basic tactic, the rush. Most viewers expected to now begin playing hardcore, using proper strategies, wanting to win, but they were here to have fun. They picked fast operators, Ace running the Ash. How well the tactic would work kind of depended on where they would defend, but as they saw the drones, the second floor would work just right. They also played a Twitch, the role of it was to destroy the Kapkan traps, so that they would have no issues. She managed to destroy the two most pertinent ones, the window and the entrance they would use.

As they spawned in, they destroyed the cameras as soon as they could, and raced down the snow, rappelling up a building, and the Sledge opening the door. They broke in and Ace killed the person peeking from the third floor, his reaction too slow to realise what was happening, By then, his teammates were already in the bombsite and had killed the anchor without losing a single member, but one of them was extremely low, one-shot - even to the foot, would do him in.

They spread around the room as the diffuser was planted, they had to hold the room while waiting for the diffuser to run out of time. Two went to block each door, with one staying in a corner just in case. Ace blocked the door they had not come through, and as he spotted an enemy, he swapped to his ability and shot a charge at where he thought the enemy was. He did not think any damage was done, but they did not have to kill anyone, all they had to do was play for time. Ace kept his aim trained on the entrance to the room, waiting for someone to come. A C4 flew into the room, and after a loud ����Oh, Shit!", it was triggered and one of his teammates was downed. Ace kept still, their time was running out, and the defenders would have to attempt a push soon.

Then they came, Ace heard the call through his headset, "On me! Three of them!", Ace then ran, he ran out of the room, circling the room until he was behind the three flankers that were attempting to go into the room. He went from one to the other, a laser that killed all three in less than a second and a half. People watching the replay would be in awe, Ace did not even hesitate, he simply killed.

They won their first attack round, and with that, their momentum was back on track, they won the next two rounds as well. And by the time the game was finished, Ace had the most kills in his team by far. They all cheered into the mike, and then, the dreaded question came, "Hey guys, are you all going to the R6 convention happening next month?"

Ace winced, the problem here would be that it would most likely make things a bit awkward for them when they realised that he was only 14 years old. Ace was not stupid, he knew that in the weekend of the convention, more than a few parties would be thrown, in fact, he had already received an invitation for the one that would happen on the Friday night, before the con started.

He had, of course, informed them that he probably should not attend, he informed them that he was underage, and in good practise, they told him that even if he was 17 or 16 he could still go have fun. The fun stopped when he told them he was 14.

As of now, no one (except a few he had told due to circumstances) knew he was only that age, but he was planning on making a release in the next week, clearing up a few things before the con started. In fact, he had a plan.

As his teammates were discussing his excitement for the convention, he told them he would be right back and got his phone, then after putting his headset back, eh made a post on his social media accounts: [Q&A happening next Saturday, put your questions in this thread, I will answer the 6 with the most likes]

He had put himself in a rush but it would be ok, he had to take a good picture he could put as his first post, and think on how to answer the questions, he had an idea of which ones they would ask.

"Yeah, I am going as well, I am looking forward to the new update quite a bit. What about you Ace, can you make it?"

"Most likely yes, It will be my first one but I hope it will be pretty fun."

"Ohhhh, a con virgin, we'll have to show you the coolest thing. Trust me, if you want to have some fun, the cons are the best places, everyone knows you, and it can get wild as sh*t."

"Hmm yeah ok, but I think that the way our cons go will be pretty different."

"Oh, how come? Do you not like parties or something?"

"No, it's not that, more like I can't really go to them."

"How come? Is it because you are underage, man, I will be honest, no one really cares if you are 17 or 18.", he sounded worried, as if thinking that Ace would not be able to experience the best of the convention.

"Well, you see, It's not that I am 17, more like I am 14.", Ace sighed in relief, and waited for a response

"Holy f*ck", this was another teammate, she - like all of them, had assumed that Ace was only a few years younger than them, at the very least 17 or 16. However, learning that he was only 14, she was mind blown, at 14, he had reached a level of fame that most streamers never got in their lifetime, and R6, what seemed to be his main game, had only just been released, and the probability of it only getting bigger in popularity was quite big.

"Well that definitely puts a damper on things, but… How do your parents allow you to play so much? I mean, I am not judging, since you are probably making more bank than they do, even with giving most of it away to charity.", another continued on, they were trying to figure out what kind of parents would let their kids play for so long. They knew of course that it happened, but Ace played games for longer than he was in school, he played about 20 - 22 hours on weekends, and usually more than 6 hours on weekdays, he played more than he was in school.

"Yeah see, the thing is that I am an orphan.", he tried to steel his voice, but a wisp of sadness still escaped

"Oh shit sorry.", her voice was now considerably softer, realising this was probably a soft spot for Ace

"It's fine, I got over it a long time ago, now, I live with my grandma, and as long as my grades are ok, she allows me to play all I want.", this was the truth, what he would not tell them was, however, that he had the knowledge of a university student, and the only reason he did not know more was that he played games, they would simply think he was joking at that point.

"Well, I suppose that makes more sense, but I swear, you do not sound like a 14, I mean, my nephew is that age and he sounds like a kid still."

"Well, early puberty I guess.", early puberty my ass, his voice had dropped but he had no acne, a perfect complexion and his face did not have that weird disproportion that happened when teenagers grew by bits.

"You should probably tell your audience this, honestly, It might make you even more popular"

"Yeah I know, I am making a Q&A next Saturday, and I expect that question to pop up."

"Well guys, I am sorry to cut this short, but we have an interview to get to"