WebNovelThe Ace27.46%

Chapter 52:

[We are honoured to be able to offer you a full VIP pass. We will welcome you into the conversation tonight, and if you so wish, you will be able to appear in one of our talks with fellow streamers, pro players and/or game designers]

Ace had received this email today, he had just gotten home from school and received the notification. They had promised and they had delivered. He would of course go to the con, not just as a streamer and famous personality, but also as a fan of the game, curious about what the new update would offer.

Tommorrow he had to do the Q&A and he had already seen a few questions he had to answer, the difference in likes large enough that nothing would catch up.

The main ones were: When face reveal? And How old are you? You had the ones of where do you live and stuff but that they could find out on their own.

He had already prepared some answers and memorized them. He would do the Q&A on stream, about an hour after his first game so that people had a lot of time to tune in. 

He would obviously post the clip on his youtube account, and the answer to separate questions on his I-Gram account. This should ensure that people found out about it. As of now, he had about 600k followers on both his I-Gram I-Gram streaming account,  he ignored the sub count (on his streaming account) since most people knew not to sub to him since he did not need the money, even if a lot of them did it for the badge and stuff.

He had almost 1 million subscribers on youtube, but he expected to rocket way past that after his Q&A and the new song he would post: Stabbing In the dark by Ice Nine Kills. He was doing an acoustic version softer than their original one, singing it almost as a ballad but it had come out perfectly. His skills were improving and this one was his best representation of any song he had actually done so far.

As he did the Q&A, he would post the picture he had prepared on his I-Gram as he broached the Face Reveal Question. He would also update his bio accordingly, and get it all done at once, pulling off the band aid immediately.


"Ok chat, I have seen your questions, and I will now answer them, let me pull them up real quickie.", he pulled up a doc on the monitor so his viewers could see the questions and the user that asked them.

"First and obviously, Why did you start streaming?, well to be fair, It was not my plan, but as R6 came out, I really liked the game and as you know, I played CSGO before that. I decided for both games that since I was having fun I playing, I would light as well stream myself doing so.There was never much thought behind it to be honest. Now next, uhmmmm, ah yes, so my name is Ace, my surname… You guys will see in just a bit, I love both cats and dogs but I do not have any pets. I have another thing prepared for you, as you can see, some questions I have not answered and there is a reason why. I implore you to just check my I-Gram page, you will find all you seek there."

With that, Pandora's box was opened, his chat exploded with questions, and so did his notification count, he had updated all his data (or as much as he was willing to anyways), he had also posted a picture of himself that had well over 20 thousand likes less than a minute after posting and it was growing by the second.

As his chat asked questions, he answered, whether he would go to the con, whether he had a girlfriend, and he spotted a lot questions from people with questionable interests that he did not answer. He established he was not gay, and that he would continue answering questions as they came, but that he wanted to play for a bit.

As he finished his stream, Ace went through some light stretches and plonked his a*s on a stool, eating some fruit in a bowl. He picked up his phone and sighed, clearing all his notifications, and got to work…

He started with the emails, his business account was swiped with offers, but he periodically answered them, telling them he would not be sponsored by a product he did not need and did not really like. He assumed his home would soon be swarmed with products but oh well. He then answered the email about the convention.

He went to his U-Tube channel, he had now gone past 1 million subscribers, and it was not stopping, he had released his last video with his face on it and it seemed to be truly going viral.

He then got to his I-Gram account, he went through the DMs of as many people as he could, answering each one personally. He had a lot but he had already flagged the ones from friends and acquaintances, so he got there first.

He had messages from some of his classmates that had finally found his account, and he answered each one, thanking them for the support. He also had a message from Sophie, asking him to go to her house tomorrow about 10 in the morning. They would have lunch and since she had invited some of her friends, he would also get to meet them. He sent her a quick reply, accepting the invitation and thanking her for it. Next, he went to the ones from his fellow streamers, most were just people that were crazy because of the way he looked and how old he was. He had also gotten more than a few offers to collaborate with various celebrities, but he left those for now, he would have to make a plan, his follower count on I-Gram had increased by 50%, he now had about 1.3 million followers, and ths number would probably increased by a bit. 

The word had spread and the power of 14 year old girls had shown itself, he now had an army of zeal-uhhh, fans that seemed to be making his fame grow in a ridiculous manner. To be honest, Ace had expected some of it but this was crazy. 

He put his phone down and got a large bowl of ice cream, then sat down in front of the tv, putting a movie on, and leaving his phone on the kitchen counter, ignoring it for now.


"Well sis, did he accept?"

"Yes he did, he will come at the agreed time, I ask you, do not push him too much, trust me. Amy told me what he can do, and if he gets angry and gets physical, it will not be good for you."

"Bah. I doubt that someone that caught your attention would get so angry with only a bit of teasing", he saw her expression and relented, " but do not worry, I will be careful."




"So, I assume it went as expected?"

"Yes of course, he is not stupid, he played his cards well, and can now be considered a bonafide celebrity. ", the voice was clearly deferential to the other one, speaking in a respectful and measured manner.

"Good, that will be useful, for now, I would like you to watch over him. He will be going to that convention, and I want security measures put in place. He is now a public figure, and will have to be protected as such. Prepare a team that will follow him into the con, but expect that he will see you - he is observant like that. So do not do the usual, you should go to him and inform him of what you are doing. He will understand and accept it as long as you do not cause a commotion. If anything were to happen, dispose of it quietly after finding out their goal. You have my orders, now go carry them out."

"Yes madam."