WebNovelThe Ace35.75%

Chapter 68:

There were multiple round tables that seemed to seat between 5 and 10 people. Ace saw his card in front of one of the chairs, so he sat down. Matilda and Bethany were already sitting there, so he smiled and began to talk with them, they discussed the menus that had been placed to the side of their plates. It seemed like it was going to be a frivolous yet filling dinner. The Violets had not spared any expenses and it showed.

More people began filling the tables, and Ace noticed a bit of a pattern. It seemed that they had actually been arranged not by business or political allies, but by friendships. It seemed that he had also been added to Amy and Sophie's circle, which he understood since they were pretty much the only people he had any relationships with. Saul and Sophie also came to sit in the table - as was expected. And finally, filling the two remaining seats, Amy came with the girl Ace had spoken to before, the Jiang Holdings girl.

Honestly, Ace missed having some more boys on the table, he wished John was here, but he was celebrating the Holidays with his family, it would have been more fun, since he would have someone that had the same interests as he did. Ace had found out that John loved gaming, however, it was not playing that he enjoyed the most, but casting. As he described it: 'It is exhilarating, being able to comment on insane plays live, in front of an audience'.

Ace understood, but he still preferred playing, and making those plays himself. While John did not stream, he did practise on his lonesome, and Ace promised to introduce him to a few casters he had met with at the convention. Most casters were quite famous in their own ways, and had just as much of a fanbase as the players did. Most also played the game they casted, and most people tuned in to see more relaxed gameplay, and a likeable personality that most casters seemed to have.

He considered John his best friend, he spoke with him when he could, and John had informed him that when he came home for the holidays, they could play together, since he would have his set-up. Ace looked forward to it, since it would most likely be quite entertaining for his audience as well.

"Hello everyone.", Amy began, "This to my side is Kristina, the new daughter of the daughter of the CEO of Jiang Holdings." Kristina smiled as Amy began to introduce her to the people around the table. As Ace was introduced, Kristina smiled in recognition, and Ace grinned knowingly.

Both Matilda and Saul noticed, but chose not to say anything.

As they sat down, the first maids and butlers began to serve drinks, all except for Ace and Amy asked for alcoholic drinks, Ace sticking to coke with ice and lemon, and Amy just water with pieces of fresh-cut fruit inside.

Most asked for posh sounding cocktails, but they all looked surprised when Kristina ordered a Vodka with Redbull. Ace smiled, and the others laughed, teasing her for her choice in drinks.

"So, Ace, I know that Amy has to play the host and uphold standards, but you, you don't drink?"

"Too young."


"I'm 14, the same age as Amy and Sophie. I am still too young to drink."

"Seriously, you are hung up on your age? You are probably more mature than most people under 25 years old, and you sure as hell have more money than them.", she looked unconvinced, and the others were also looking curiously

"Don't really like alcohol, anything that impedes me from being at my best, is a no-no."

"Spoken like Samantha's grandson.", the manly voice came from behind them, and Ace turned around, even if he had already noticed him.

Ace smiled, "She taught me well, I have nothing to complain about.", the man shook his head, grinning.

"Not many would be able to uphold her standards, and yet, she is proud of you, something you should be proud of yourself.", smiling warmly, Silvester Violet stood there.

"Are your seating arrangements okay?", it was mostly a formality, but everyone nodded and smiled, content with their seating. He smiled, and after wishing them a good meal and a Merry Christmas, he walked to other tables.

"So, how come you are so buddy buddy with my dad?", Amy asked, curious about the interaction

"No idea, honestly, never really spoken to him. Oh yeah, where is your sister?", Ace asked, he had not actually seen her yet, apart from when they first greeted him

"Don't know, after a bit, she left saying that she would be back for dinner, my parents seemed to know where she was going, and surprisingly agreed. She will be here soon if she is not here already."

"Cool, I have something to ask her about my turning kick.", that was Sophie, she had been attempting to learn about Allison's style of fighting, and usually met her after school in order to train together. Ace had been invited to spar, and would probably do so one of these days. In the gym, he had to tone down now, since he had gotten good enough at spotting upcoming moves that he could pretty much read anyone like a book. The only people that gave him trouble were people that usually telegraphed their moves regardless, since they were powerful enough to go fast, and also had a good defence. He was not yet good enough at landing perfect hits, but he was getting better, and it would be good for him to practice against a different style.

They enjoyed the food, and the conversation got more varied the more the others drank. Amy looked like she wanted to drink as well, but Ace was just along for the ride. They were nowhere near drunk, but definitely a bit buzzed. Alcohol and good food had created a pleasant atmosphere, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Ace expected that now that most people had finished dessert, the party would commence, and like clockwork, it came. The music shifted to a more rhythmic jazzy sound, and most people went to the dance floor.

The people in their table stayed there, they were in the middle of a conversation comparing their respective schools, and the competitive undertone began to show. Bethany, Matilda and Saul all went to the same school, while Amy and Sophie were doing enough arguing that Ace did not even have to get involved. Kristina was on the side, enjoying watching them argue, sipping on her drink.

"So, do you know what school you'll be going to?", Ace asked, they had just moved, so she would most likely join one when the new term started.

"Yep, yours, I should be joining Homeroom 1, I did the tests, and barely got in.", she seemed happy, and Ace understood why. The curriculum in the Institute was mental, so to be able to get such high scores was extremely good.

"You know, what classes you'll be joining?"

"Mostly Rank 1 or 2, but I am in Rank 3 for Geography, I will probably need to get some help for that, but after putting some work in, I should be able to get Rank 2."

Ace nodded, understanding, most people usually had an area of weakness, and covering it as soon as possible would be smart. He offered to give her his outlines, which should help her study for future tests, and she agreed, saying that she would be happy to help him in Biology or Chemistry, which were her strong points. Ace said nothing, but Sophie and Amy, who had heard, laughed.

"Trust me, there is no way you can help him, he does not even study.", Amy said, while laughing along with Sophie

"Hey! I work just like everyone.", he acted offended, which made them laugh even harder, once she calmed down a bit, Sophie explained: "When it comes to classes, don't bother helping him, and also, if you would like, I offer to buy that Geography outline, let's say… 10 points?"

Kristina was new, but they had explained to her the importance of points in her induction day. She knew that it was expected to get about 100 points every school year, so 10 points would put her in a very good spot.

"Woah, how come so much?", she was dumbfounded at the number of points they were willing to spend

"Well, trust me when I tell you that it is worth it, Ace has been consistently getting the top spot in exams, so his outlines are worth a lot."

"D*amm, how come you are so good at Geography, I honestly think it's a crap subject"

"Oh no, not just Geography, but in general, there has not been a test that Ace has not gotten 100% on, and the rest of us struggle to get above 80. If I were you, I would hide the fact that you have his outline very well. As you know, excelling in a subject means that a teacher might offer you some points to help to teach or in a club. This means that any resources that make it easier for you to do so, are absolutely a goldmine. His outlines - not that I have seen them, are probably the Primer for that subject.", she stopped talking, but then thought of something, "Why did you make them Ace, it's not like you study or need them anyway."

"Well honestly…. I was thinking of selling them.", Ace scratched his neck in slight embarrassment, and Sophie and Amy widened their eyes.

"They would not allow it, you would break the system, you are meant to sell it to only a select few people, not just invoke an all-out bidding war. You would break the ecosystem of the school, and honestly, faculty might even gun for you."

"I know, that is why I have not done it yet, but I think I will give them to Kristina for free, so that it is easier for her to catch up.", Ace grinned at the shocked looks of the others.