WebNovelThe Ace48.19%

Chapter 92:

Ace woke up feeling refreshed, he had gone to bed earlier than usual yesterday, which meant he had slept a lot more hours than he usually did, even if he was still waking up at ungodly hours in the morning.

He went through his exercise routine, focusing all his attention on smaller muscles in his body, correcting his positioning and posture. It was a tiresome yet effective exercise, maintaining his focus tired his body fast, but it was rewarding as well.

As he finished up and took a shower, he thought over his plans for the day, he had been invited to play with Doc and Shroud, someone else supposedly joining them as well. They were playing PUBG, since Doc was looking to hit 100 wins today. He was unsure of who was joining, but it should be entertaining regardless.

He dried up and went to eat his breakfast, some waffles, eggs and bacon, breakfast of champions.


"Ok chat, we are playing with the pros again today, so it should be pretty fun.", Ace read over chat while waiting for the game to load, "Yeah I know, it has been a crazy past couple of days."

Once he opened the game, he accepted the invite and joined the lobby. "Hey, guys, what's up?"

"Nothing much here, pretty much the same, what 'bout you?"

"Schoolwork sucks, but it's cool.", easy lie, but only made him fit in, it would be weird if he did not complain, considering how much he played, it was a miracle that he even did it - or at least that was what people thought.

"Hey, you just gotta stick with it, it will suck now, but once you realise how much you have learnt, you will be forever thankful to your teachers, until then, you can curse them under your breath.", Shroud said, and laughed.

"Well! Today boys, is Road to 100 wins! I currently have 97, and I hope that within the next two hours, we make it. The plan is this: dominate and exterminate."

"Good plan, will probably work.", Ace joked, and Shroud laughed, while Doc just shouted, amping himself up for the match that was starting now.

They dropped where they usually did, and looted as fast as they could, then reconvening, and killing anyone they came across. They were going through two buildings, when they were ambushed by a team of four players. It was only three of them, since their lat man had not come yet,

"Up in the buildings!", Shroud warned, and Ace lasered onto one of them, dispatching a stream of bullets that damaged him greatly, and caused him to back up.

"Go into the building to the left, we kill them then!", Doc shouted, and they did, they all ran while shooting for cover. Once they got there, they went up the stairs, and killed the two that were on the rooftop.

"They must have gone down, they could be coming from below, but they probably ran away once their teammates died.", Ace said, and swivelled his scope around, trying to spot them. Unluckily, it was not to be, and so after a few minutes of waiting around to see if anyone had been attracted by the gunfire, they moved on in a car, driving to the inside of the next circle.

"Yep, just through here, and once we cross this bridge, we can stay here, and wait for any latecomers, there should be some.", Ace said, and they did, they waited, each covering a spot, Doc and Shroud for any latecomers, and Ace to see if anyone from the inside of the circle was coming here. The probabilities were low, but it was the typical thing that could potentially lose you a match, so they were pretty strict when it came to those things, there were not many things that they liked more than getting a win.

There were no latecomers, which was unlucky, but on the flip side, the number of people remaining alive had greatly decreased. Bad news was that there seemed to be quite a low amount of squads comparatively, which meant that they would be either full, or with just one member dead.

They proceeded through the map rationally, yet quickly, a blitzkrieg tactic that consisted of rushing any enemies they saw, and betting on their superior mechanical skills and aim to win them gunfights.

It worked out pretty well, until, in one fight, both Doc and Ace were downed, and Shroud had to revive them both, they had managed to wipe two squads, with four and three members respectively. Quite a good turnout, if Ace said so himself.

By then, there were only four teams remaining, including theirs, and quite soon, only three. The ring was pretty small by then, and a three-way gunfight was practically unavoidable. This was a disadvantage since it meant that one of them would be facing two members of each team.

Nevertheless, there was a plan in place.

"Ok, Ace, here are most of my nades. You know the play right?"

"Yep, keep them on me as much as I can, and once you guys clean the rest up, we kill them all."

This was based on the good placement of grenades, that would force members of one team to move out of cover, and force the other team to focus their attention on the runner, and hopefully kill him. Then, Ace would throw another nade at the team that still had full members, and hold them off for as long as possible, using grenades mostly, not shooting too much.

It began in a quiet anticlimactic way, they were each coming from a direction, and they all saw each other at pretty much the same moment, Ace threw his first grenade, and a Molotov cocktail to the closest one to him, forcing them to move towards the other team. As they did so, the other team focused on them, and Ace threw a grenade at the other team, while finally aiming down his sniper rifle, looking for a kill.

Whilst this was happening, Doc and Shroud were dealing with their own opponents, but it was going quite well, one was already down, and the other team's both members were quite low in health two.

However, as they say, no plan survives contact with the enemy. One of the teams focused all their attention on Doc and Shroud, managing to down Doc, Ace was able to trade a kill on them as well. But it was not looking good. Two teams now had three members, since Ace's gambit had been successful, but they had two members that could shoot, and they couldn't spare a second to rez Doc.

It would seem that a 2 vs 3 vs 3 would be the same as their previous standing, but that was actually not the truth. With three members, there would still be multiple people shooting, even if one had to reload. However, if they did not time their reloads well now, it would create an empty space where one team would not be receiving fire from both angles, and could focus their attention on one. It would work well if they decided to focus on the other team, but it was a 50/50 gamble, so not one Ace was keen to make.

They alternated fire, but in short bursts. Ace swapped over to his Assault Rifle for this. He threw a grenade at one team, and shot at another.

"Yes!", Shroud shouted, "I got one! We win this now!"

"Good." Ace said, while Doc was rambling about stupid teammates not resurrecting him.

Now, one team had three, and the other two had two members.

They now focused more of their fire on the team with three, and it worked, soon, another member of that team died, but from the hands of their opponents, not by their own.

Regardless, a kill was a kill, and it gave them an opportunity to throw a smoke grenade, and revive Doc, now, they had three members, but since they were all behind cover, it was not easy to see that Doc was now alive and kicking.

"Ok, I got the tactic now, one of the teams is getting flanked.", Doc said

He ran from behind them, taking a roundabout route, running with nothing in his hands to get there faster.

As he got there, he swapped over to his shotgun, it was a massacre. He killed the whole team in quick succession, and once that was done, the other team was quick to die as well, winning them their first round.

"Ha! We win the first one! Not a bad way to start hein?"