WebNovelThe Ace60.62%

Chapter 116:

"Now, the rankings will be displayed, this is a display of your hard work during the week, so I truly hope you are proud - I know I would be.", he smiled at them encouragingly, and then motioned with his hands.

At his command, the screens lit up, and all the rankings were displayed. As expected, Ace had gotten first place, and as names began to get called out in order to come to the stage to collect their prizes, Ace observed who each person was.

The two people he had met in the museum, the boy and girl, were ranked number 6 and number 4. More than respectable spots, but they did not seem very happy. 'Probably thought they could have made it farther.', Ace thought 'Although I do wonder how it was that took them out, they seemed to at least have some idea of what they were doing.'

At first, it had been an extremely short process, but as the rankings got higher, the time the participant spent on the stage was increasing as well. Within the top 10, they were having short conversations before even picking up their trophy.

Then, finally, after a long time of waiting, Ace's name was called out, people were quiet and looked at him as he walked the short distance to the stage. He walked just like he had been taught, fast, but not speedy, well-postured, but not stuck up. He exuded a calm aura that made more than a few people feel amazed, not many 14 years were capable of that, and eyt, here he was, the epitome of relaxation.

Ace smiled at the old man that gave him his hand to shake, and did so firmly, clearly surprising the man, made clear by the widening of his eyes and the slight tightening of the grip.

"Congratulations, you are truly amazing, to have won this prestigious tournament, and at your age nonetheless, you should feel quite proud, I am sure that everyone around you is."

"I hope so, I aim to please.", Ace said, giving the man a simple smile, not caring much for continuing the conversation.

They stood in awkward silence for about three seconds before the man finally realised that Ace had no interest in involving himself with conversation, and then decided that it was better to leave it. He handed him his trophy and certificate, along with a bouquet of flowers. Ace thanked him for all his kindness systematically, in an almost robotic fashion, and then walked back to the table he was seated in with Edward, who smiled and asked him if he could look at the certificate and trophies, Ace of course agreed.

"So, worth it?", Edward asked, a small smile on his face, as he laughed at Ace, he knew that Ace was now thinking about all the people he would have to at least say hi to. They deserved respect, and while Ace would normally have no problem giving them it, he was tired, and all he wanted was to go back to his room.

"Shut up, you have to be with me during the talks, so I have no idea what you are talking about, considering that you want to leave just as much as I do.", Ace reprimanded him, with a smug smile and tone, knowing that it would hit hard, but hit well.

Edward groaned, and Ace laughed, the multitude of observers watched their antics with interest, wondering as to each movement each of them did, hoping analysing it would give them an advantage in the poaching attempts that would most likely occur.

'I wonder what would happen if I suddenly decided to go to another school, I know my grandmother would allow me as long as I was able to prove that it would be a better choice and/or offer better benefits in the long term. Would the school be forced to comply with my demands? A few weeks ago, I would have not been sure, but after this, they know what I can do, so it would be in their best interest to have me there for my four years of education.", Ace thought over this while eating, after the food, which was unsurprisingly good, there would be a small reception, and stuff would begin to happen - not that Ace was looking forward to it.


"Good afternoon, I am sure you have heard this multiple times already, but regardless, congratulations, I have a few friends that are involved with the rankings, and from what they said, it was not even close. You should be extremely proud.", the man gave him a greasy smile that made Ace feel repulsed.

'Bruh, good bs.', Ace thought, this man was lying, attempting to create an impression by showing off his 'connections'. Regardless, even if Ace spotted the microexpressions and caught him in the clear lie, he made no comment on it, there was no point, it was not like he would see him again anyways.

"Thank you for your words, they are truly appreciated.", Ace smiled at the man, who seemed proud, thinking he had awed Ace, when in fact, it was the complete opposite, he just wanted him gone as soon as possible.

The man took out something from the inside of his suit pocket, then looked at Ace, "I am sure you have received quite a few of these, but you know it is my duty to give it to you - regardless of how much of an annoyance it might be - I should know.", he smiled and gave him the letter, one offer or another - another added to the large pile he had received.

Pretty much everyone here has received at least one, since they were the best of the best, and the truth was that some would take up on the offers, especially ones that were part of less prestigious schools, this could be the chance to set themselves up for the future. Although to be fair, knowing how university was for most people that went to those schools, it would most likely not be the best example to take.

With all their 'funding' and connections, they would simply party and have fun for the years they needed to be there, and then just walk out with a degree with a high grade, and a master in partying, with honours in drug consumption, and another in alcohol abuse.


"Well, I am going to go play some chess online, you can go to bed later today, since tomorrow is a free day. Also, you should most likely read over the letters, I know it is weird for me to say it, but the truth is that you could use them as ammo against the school, and use them to get some more benefits from them.", Edward smiled at him, then went into his bedroom.

"Yeah, I know!", Ace shouted the last bit, knowing that it would be the only wavy Edward would be able to hear him from the other side of the door.

'Well, I should order some ice-cream and cake, then get to reading some of these, you never know, I could even find a good offer.', Ace thought, before calling reception for his order.


"You know, we are genuinely going to miss you.", Ludwig said, "It was a cool couple of these while it lasted though, and hey, you might even come back at some point, if you do, call, trust me when I say that we will want to meet."

"Of course, guys, thanks, you made this trip extremely enjoyable, I will always remember some of the things you showed me."

"Good, come in a few years, and you never know, I might even show you another thing.", she said, grinning, and dodging once one of the other girls tried to slap her arm.

Ace and some of the others laughed at the joke, "Well, I'll be going, I'll be in touch, and if any of you are coming to America, give me a shout, I don't promise anything, but I might be able to come see you.", he grinned and waved, carrying his luggage, and entering the airport.

It had been an amazing week, but this new stage of his life had been completed, and honestly, he had aced it.