WebNovelThe Ace62.69%

Chapter 120:

The rest of the games were quite well, to be honest, 'quite well' was an understatement, by the third game, people were beginning to get tired, and they were still perfect, by the last game, they were breathing hard, but their opponents were kneeling down on the floor, breathing their lungs out.

They improved from one game to another, and by the end, they were nowhere near as bad as they were at the start, they were hitting balls more than they were missing them, and even figured out a few plays, most of it due to the fact that Ace was pretty much an Ace setter, pun of course intended.

His spatial awareness was freaky, he simply seemed to 'know' where they were at all times, and it showed, he had also been quickly able to tell how much each person could jump and reach, and the ball was perfectly placed every time. Igor could pack a mean punch when he hit the ball, and that ended up being their main play. Ace would simply set the ball high but weakly, it would give their opponents time to block, but it did not matter, no one, not even three people, could match Igor's insane strength, especially when he was jumping along with it.

The momentum carried the ball the whole way through, and it was not just the students that realized the combo, Lisa and the other 'coaches' did as well.

'With that strength and that setting ability, they could pretty much carry an average team, as long as they worked on some different things of course.', Lisa thought, 'Still, the boy's ability to improve is scary, he clearly knew the basics at first, but then seemed to learn new things with every game, as if he was running simulations in his head, and figuring out what would work and what would not. I have to wonder, does he want to play?'


The team hit the showers more than a bit happy, as Ace had promised, they had won every other game, and they would expect to receive a quite high amount of points, considering they had won almost all the games, and showed a massive improvement, which implied even greater potential.

"Hehehe, it seems that you were right, Ace, we smashed them all.", Spike began, and Mile continued, "Yep. Hey big guy, how did you grow so much, what do you eat?"

Igor smiled, showing his teeth, "Bear I hunted with my bare hands, mamochka says it is good for growing.", as he finished, the twins recoiled, and he let out a deep rumbling laugh, it seemed like an avalanche was nearing, which only made Ace laugh even harder.

Spike and Mike came up close again, and took one of the Russian's massive hands, "Hmmm, what do you think? With these massive mitts…", "Yep, he could definitely choke a grizzly, I mean he might as well be one himself, mommy's little bear."

The twin's and Ace laughed, and so did Igor for some reason, apparently finding it funny, Spike asked what it was, "That was my big sister's name."

The twins showed their interest, "Ooohh, is she cute?", "I hear that Russians are…"

At this, Igor bellowed, a louder laugh than before, sounding even more cavernous, "I assure you, she is not 'cute'. She is about to be an Olympic powerlifter, and is about my size, give or take. Yeah, 'cute', is not exactly what I would call her, more like savage and barbaric."

The twins shivered, and even Ace's hairs could not resist standing on Ace, imagining what his older sister could have looked like.


At the end of the day, they ended up sharing contact numbers, they seemed to all mesh well, and Ace could not deny that he found them all pretty funny. Ace got in the car, and had the chauffeur drive him straight home, where he took another shower and changed into more comfortable clothes, simply for comfort's clothes.

'With this, I am done with school for a while, I should have Aced everything, so that should be pretty good. What to do, what to do…'

To no one's surprise, he ended up streaming and playing video games for the rest of the day. The exam had not really tired him too much, since his stamina had reached insane levels. He could pull an eight-hour stream off easy.


Ace skated his way to the park, he was on his own, but that would not stop him from having fun. He was planning on working on a new trick, which he was already landing, but still had a ways to go before he perfected it.

He enjoyed the practice that went with skating, it was almost therapeutic, and while he got things a lot faster than normal people, he still had to go through it multiple times. And plus, nothing beat the euphoria and adrenaline that came with perfectly landing a new trick. Much like a jump, it could not be replicated without going through the action itself. And the training and preparation that went into each trick or jump, simply heightened the feeling he went through once he carried out the action.

He was there for about 20 minutes, before he noticed a group of people nearing him. They were in some pretty basic skater and streetwear getup, but Ace noticed that it was all seemingly new, and pretty expensive. As he looked at their faces, especially one of the girl's, he remembered that first time in the skate shop…

"Hey Stella, guys.", Ace nodded at them, and waited, patiently standing there until they decided to talk about why they were there.

"Oh?", she quirked her eyebrow, "You know my name? Oh wait, never mind, I guess that slu- uhh, Ray must have told you. Although I would be careful with what you believe that comes out of her mouth, she has been known to… twist the truth.", her face was a picture of disgust, and Ace grinned.

"She has told me a few things, but if what you say is true, you should not worry, I don't let others influence my impressions on people.", she seemed happy about that, which was Ace's goal, it would be better to keep her happy, at least until he knew what they wanted.

"Why do you run with them anyway?", one of the boys asked.


"Rich boy, Ray and the DJ guy. You seem like the type to actually know how to choose your friends"

'Yikes, this guy is aggressive', Ace thought, laughing internally once he saw the fuming face of a few of the people in the group, they had noticed the grave faux-pas he had committed, and their minds were most like racing trying to find a way to solve it or fix up the conversation if possible.