WebNovelThe Ace81.35%

Chapter 156 - Intermission

"Get it done. Now", her domineering voice resounded around the luxurious meeting room, and a handful of people, people considered giants around the world - insurmountable mountains, bowed their heads out of embarrassment, and quickly responded, "Yes madam.", then, like little children, coming out of the principal's office, they walked silently in one big file.

Samantha leaned back into her comfortable custom-designed chair, and let out a sigh, while smiling, 'I am close, dear, just a few more years, and we will be able to live in peace and quiet.'

She then smoothed over her face, the smile disappearing, the wrinkles invisible once more - just like her emotions. She walked calmly to the private elevator, and took it down to the medical research facility they had on-site.

It was a smaller version of the humongous compound they had outside the city, one of the many around the world, but it served its purpose, to inform her of any advancements. She walked out of the elevator, crossing Vanessa, and smiling at her, which she responded in kind.

"How are you?", Vanessa asked, and Samantha smiled - fake as could be, "Good.", Vanessa looked at her dead-on, seeing through the bullcrap, and nodded, "I'll schedule a dinner for us to at the earliest,", and then, remembering her schedule out of the top of her head, "You have a meeting tonight, but tomorrow will work, I shall take care of the reservations - not that we need any, and send you the time and place.", then, without any more dallying, she went into the elevator, her gaze back on her tablet.

Samantha chuckled internally, if anyone saw Vanessa speak to her that way, they would run away, believing that she would cast the nine hells upon her, but she knew otherwise. Vanessa was the one she confided in, her assistant, and the person that would now run the business if Ace was still...undisposed.

She was a genius, one of her many degrees being in Psychology, and made it a point to help Samantha through issues, usually nerves or self-doubt, but now...Well, it was a bit different. Truthfully, she was one of the most important people in the building now, not as much as Samantha herself, but close, definitely close.


Samantha met up with the head researcher, and she explained to her what the advancements were. Unluckily, Ace's case was completely individual and unique, which meant they had to start almost from scratch, and it was slow going.

Right now, they were making progress, but it was unknown if they would manage to find a cure before Ace died - if at all. Regardless, progress was progress, and Samantha was quite content with it. She thanked them for their hard work, and then left through the way she came, going to her office for a shower, before taking and dressing in some new clothes her stylist had chosen out for her. This meeting was important, and she had to look perfect for it.


"Congratulations, it seems that our goal has been achieved.", Vanessa said, smiling at Samantha, and raising her glass of wine, clinking it with Samantha's.

"Luckily, you, Aileen and Ace should be all safe.", Vanessa said, and Samantha nodded, "Yes. Although…"

"I understand your conundrum, but for now, they should most likely be kept separate, maybe at a later date…", Vanessa said, and Samantha nodded, "Well, that's enough about that, the Tower will begin to be built in a few months, now, we just have to wait for it to be done, and our goal will be achieved.", Samantha said, and Vanessa nodded, "Now, we should talk about what is plaguing you - apart from the obvious of course, we will not be heard here, you know that. So, spill it."

Samantha chuckled, 'I guess she knows me too well, can even deduct when I have issues clouding my mind.'


Some Years Later:

Samantha entered the beautiful penthouse, 'His taste is minimalistic, but perfect. Even without seeing much of the world, his decorative choice is impeccable. Quite interesting, should note down for the future.'

She went into the room, and woke up Ace from his slumber, "Hey, Ace! Are you awake?", she watched him turn in his bed, then groan in...contentment? She had expected - like all of these times, a groan of pain and torture, with a hit of suffering, and yet, he seemed relaxed.

"Ughh...Yes, Samantha, I'm in here.", Ace responded, his head pounding from what he had just experienced.

"Have you…", the grandmother started.

"Please, not so loud…", Ace let out, lifting his head up slightly, wincing, then letting it fall back down, all while furiously rubbing at his temples, as if attempting to simply wipe the headache away, and then suddenly, the pain alleviated, rising up and away from his body as if it were steam.

"How are the pains today?", the grandmother started, her face a wall of stone, yet her eyes screamed of anticipation and a dash of hope.

"Better, surprisingly so, in fact, they are almost gone."And then, as if remembering something, he shook his head and whispered: "Maybe that guy was right?".

At this, the grandmother smiled, a crack in her impenetrable wall, and her eyes let out a single, lonely tear."The treatment...Is it finally working?", her emotions were a mess right now, apart from the isolated tear, there were no more leaks from her facade, but inside, she was freaking out.

She breathed in deeply, and relaxed, thinking over it logically, 'Ok, just because the pain is relieved, it does not mean it is cured, I know that, in fact, it could simply be an isolated episode, the doctors did say it could happen.', She, a logical and rational woman, tried to find a realistic answer, she knew the treatment was far from perfect yet, so there should not have been any results yet, however, in her heart, deep under the walls of steel, and palisades of onyx, her heart glimmered with something she had not felt in many, many years, hope.