
Inside a Void, there were two beings. One was a sleeping soul that looks like a poring from a game Ragnarok with rainbow color, the other is a beautiful woman looking at the soul with warm eyes waiting for it to wake up and she didn't wait long as the Soul start to stir up.


'Gasp' I woke up and looked around myself to learn that I was surrounded by a beautiful kaleidoscope and then I see a woman looking at me with a smile on her face. I don't know who she is but I feel warmth from her that make feel that a can trust myself in her company.

"Excuse me, Can I know where we are and who are you? Last things I know is that I died after I killed that crazy leader of Chronos!" I ask her as I tried to get up only to feel that I don't have a body and I look like a Poring with Rainbow color.

The woman smiled and start to talk.

"This place is inside the Void, a place where I usually met with special souls that has done great thing in their last life and reward them for it and you can call me Gaia." She said still having a warm smile on her face it was like a smile that a mother always have when talking to their child from what I see in other since I myself never experienced it being directed with that kind of smile.

"Great thing? I don't think I have ever done something like that in my life, I'm just a Spy an Assassin that has many sins of killing many people, both Evil and innocent alike. I don't think I deserve some kind of reward." I said looking down feeling ashamed of what I do in life.

"Yes, I know that. That what you've been created and trained for by that organization of yours. That what you know to do for years, but you change for the better after you learn about the world and by destroying Chronos you've saved the world from it's demise because of them."she said still in a kind tone.

"I just destroy them because I am mad that they killed my girlfriend because they think that she is a hindrance for someone like me and I died for it because the head takes an idea from Hunter X Hunter Netero and implant a bomb on himself that will detonate when he himself was killed."

I said with a chuckle. Who would have thought that the leader of an organization that controls half the earth was an Otaku who was obsessed with anime Black Cat that he recreates the Chronos organization in real world? The thing is, He was a Genius with a crazy personality that he succeeded in it. Within 20 years he succeeded in taking control one-third of the earth's economy and also created her at that time. I was a recreation of a Human Bio-Weapon from that anime Eve with a nanotechnology implant inside her. Good thing is that even though they found a way to create something like me, they still can't find a way to safely implant Nanotechnology into a grown-up man and the leader is smart enough to not create another like me before he himself can safely implant the Nanotechnology.

As I grows up, I found out that the female trainees in the organization have to endure being raped by the instructor and trained in how to please a man. This incident teaches her the horror of men and feels disgusted toward them and begin to like a woman more. Good thing is that I was too valuable for them to do something to me.

Outside of being trained as a Spy and Assassin, I fill my time when I rest by reading and watching Anime, Manga, Novel, and Movie. It was there that I learn about morals, about what good and evil are and found out that my organization was an evil one. Also from all this fiction that I learn to be creative in using the power that was granted to me. All that time living in the headquarters I was able to hacked into their security and steal all their research and save it in my brain by connecting myself into their server using the Nanomachine.

After 14 years of living there, they start to give me missions and I lived for the next two years doing whatever they told me to, even though I don't like it and it was after two years that I found the love of my life. She was a cute girl who was also an Otaku like myself. We were dating for seven months until I found her dead in our apartment after I finish my assignment. There was a letter there and it was from Chronos and they said that she was a hindrance on my performance so they eliminate her. Angry at Chronos and toward myself for letting something like this to happen, I started my incursions and start to dismantle Chronos little by little, and after three years of work I succeed in wiping them out until I died when I killed their leader. When I found him, he was too busy watching Anime Tokyo Ghoul that he didn't find that I infiltrate his home.

"Ehem, are you done your flashback?" I was woken up when Gaia asks me with an amused smile on her face.

"Ahh, sorry about that. Are you reading my mind? Always, I don't think I deserve such a reward." I told her while looking away.

"Nonsense, if I said you deserve to be a reward then a reward you will get! By destroying Chronos you gain yourself a massive Karma. So, let's be done with it!" she told me with a stern face that told me that I can't say no to it.

"Sigh, Alright, so what do I get from this?" I ask her, feeling resign.

"Good! You get to be reincarnated with three wishes." she said in a chipper tone looking pleased with my answer.

"I see, do I get to choose the world and is there a limit to the wish?" I ask her feeling curious.

"For the world, it will be random by spinning these wheel." she said and a wheel appears beside her. In it, there's many worlds I know from fiction I read.

"For the wish, there would be a limit according to which world and background you get. Like if you get to MHA universe and your background was a child of the Todoroki's, your first wish have to be anything related to Fire and Ice!" she continues after summoning the wheels.

"Now, let's get to it. Go turn the wheels!" she orders me and I start to turn the wheels, it keeps rolling for a while, until it stopped at To Aru series as a twin older sister of Kamijou Touma.

"Good, you're lucky to get the son of the world as a family. Anyway, as you are to become Kamijou Touma sister your first wish have to be something in nature like Imagine Breakers and according to whatever power you choose it will affect the last to wish so choose wisely!" she told me and I start to think. After a while, I got an idea about what I want.

"Alright! For my first wish, I want the inheritance of Han Lang from Galactic Dark Net! His power Void End and Genu Darkness, memory, talent, and all thing he got in his life! Is that okay? Make it that Esper can level up their power like in GDN just they don know yet, only me has that knowledge." I says while looking at Gaia.

"Hmmm, nice wish! Granted, now next!" she said while nodding.

"My second wish, can I get a body like my last life? I have been living with a Nanomachine all my life, I don't know what I would do without it."

"Granted! Now to the last wish!"

"My third wish, can I get knowledge from three worlds? And if I learn a magic from other world will I able to use it as an Esper?" I ask her.

"Hmm, okay! You can, but you can only get one aspect of knowledge from each world! And you will be able to learn magic as long as it was not a God based like in To Aru series." she answers me

"Good, that's enough! I want Martial Arts knowledge from one piece, Magic knowledge from Negima, and Sciences knowledge from Marvel" I told her, pleased with myself.

"Granted! Now, that all is done. Let's send you to your new life! Have a nice life." She said while smiling and waving at me. I was about to say thank to her when I blackout.


After sending Zena out Gaia was now alone in the Void. Her body changes and now instead of looking motherly, she looks cute. If Zena sees her she would found out that she was her lover that died being killed by Chronos. She was one of the Avatar she has on earth to enjoy a mortal life.

"You're welcome Zena, Hope you will have a nice life there. Now, I have to create a new Avatar so I can be with her again! Let's make a cute one since Zena likes cute girls and she have a cool Onee-Sama vibe on her." Gaia then start to make her new Avatar, it look like Kanade from Angel Beats. She then she chooses Cryokinesis as her Esper power, she make it that her power has the power like Hie Hie no mii from one-piece and Esdeath Teigu from Akame ga Kill. She then sends her Avatar along with her consciousness leaving her her real body asleep in the Void.