It's been a month since we arrived at Academy City. We've been training almost nonstop only to rest on Sunday. With good food intake and Nutrients concentrated that I found inside that Lunar Mark our training is more successful. We've been pushing our bodies through the limit. Well, it's almost no limit for me since my body is full of Nanomachine that work on trying to optimize any training I done. I still haven't trained my power source index yet to level up my Esper ability since even level one is still good enough for now.
This month I'm not only just doing exercise. I've been connecting myself into Academy City server using a phone booth like how Misaka Mikoto done it when the Sisters Arc, then I get information from every place I can get my hands on. After a week of hard work, I start to use that info to make money by being an information broker. With that money, I start to buy stocks to get more money from it. With my computing ability, I was quite good at this in my last life. Well, I do it as a hobby last time now it was purely for money.
Another thing I do this month is to build for my own supercomputer, Using a part I found inside the Lunar Mark with the help of the Robots inside it and a knowledge of Tony Stark from marvel fused with whatever knowledge the Robot has from GDN. It takes two weeks to finish with so many Robots helping but the electricity is not enough to power it. So, I decide to make a miny Arc Reactor for it. Besides, connecting it to Academy City is dangerous since I don't know when Misaka Mikoto will go on a rampage destroying every electronic connected to Academy City Power Source. The Arc Reactor will finish two days from now, really! Having a robot that is loyal to help you make life easier.
Now, today is the day school to start. Me and Touma will start our freshman elementary school year starting today. We arrived here a month earlier in order to get used to living in Academy City. Right now, I'm in a class seating next to me is Touma. I look around the class to see if there is someone I know from Touma circle of a friend when I watch the Anime in my last life but didn't find any of them. Maybe they know each other when they are in Junior High? Well, whatever! When it's time to meet, let's think of it when that time comes.
"Hei, Nee-san what have you been thinking for a while? You've been silent since morning." Touma nudged me and ask me a question.
"Nothing, just thinking of the many things that have been going on this past month. Why don't you go on try making a friend Touma?"
"Hmmm, Okay, I'll do that. What about you nee-san?"
"I will do that later. Now, go on! Don't you stick around your sister too much or you'll be bullied. Hehehe" I order him, encouraging him to go making a friend.
After he left, I am back to my musing. I think it was time to start training my Source Index and learn Six Path of Void.
Zena was sitting on the rooftop, looking at the child playing down below. One of them was Touma, and it seems he got himself acquaintance with Aogami Pierce. One of Touma friend in Canon, or seem that he was in a different classes from us.
"Hei, are you a freshman? It's the first time I see you." someone calling me, looking back I see a pretty girl with glasses.
"Hello, yeah I'm a freshman and you are?"
"My name is Konori Mii and I'm a second year, nice to meet you. What is your name?"
"Nice to meet you too, Konori-Senpai!" I answer her surprise to know that she was Konori Mii, Future Judgment members.
"So, what are you freshman doing here? Are you not going to play with your classmates?"
"Taking a break, you yourself what are doing here Senpai?"
"Same as you! How do you find Academy City?"
"Fun, do you know when the system scan will be scheduled Senpai? I want to test my power." I ask and she thought about it.
"Hmmm, I think it will be done next month! Did you already know of your power?"
"Yeah, what is your power senpai? If you don't mind telling me"
"I don't min! Mine is Clairvoyance, though still weak level 1, yours?"
"I see, as for me! I call it Void End, my power nullifies other superpowers, also level 1" I told her while thinking it won't be long before I reach level 2 since my source index power already reached 89, just a little bit more and I can level up and with training, it will reach faster.
"Well, it was fun talking to you Senpai! But, I must leave since my little brother already waving at me. Let's exchange Mail address."
"Little brother? Are you a twin? Okay, let's exchange Mail's address." after that I left the rooftop.
After school.
"Touma, Let's go back!" I said and look at Touma.
"Nee-san, I was going to play with my new friends, can I? Or do you want to come with us?" Touma asks looking nervous.
"Hmmm, well, just go then! I won't be coming with you. Just don't come too late then"
"Okay, I'll go then. Bye Nee-san!" he shouted then left with Aogami and his other friend.
Arriving home, I see Yuan Yuan one of the robots that have an AI been busy along with the other robot creating the Arc Reactor.
"How is the Reactor, Yuan yuan?"
"Everything is going well, Onee-chan. All that left is creating the Core and assembling it."
"Good, I will go to train then. Tell Touma to go the the rooftop when he's back."
"Leave it to me!" hearing his answer I left to the rooftop.
Arriving at the rooftop, I start to do the 46 ensemble training after eating sources energy pill that I take out from Lunar Mark.
One hour after I start training, I feel myself breakthrough and enter level 2. Checking my Source index it was already 104 so I raised around 15 points in one hour with training. It was fast, but not fast enough. I think I should make a diorama sphere like Evangeline Villa with extreme climate to help increase my training speed. But, I still haven't learned any basic magic much less creating that kind of artifacts. So, let's leave it for now and just mark it as a to-do list.
It was two hours later that Touma is back and he starts his own training after arriving. I was still weighing what martial arts should I teach him. Soru, Geppo, and Rankyaku is a must for training his lower body. For the attacking method, I think between Ba Gua Zhang or Hasshoken let's see which one is more suitable for him.
"Touma, come here! I will teach you Martial Arts. Try it and choose the one that you feel more comfortable with."
After 30 minutes of trying around, he feels that he should train in Ba Gua Zhang first as it was easier later after his body is up to it he will learn Hasshoken which is okay with me. I also teach him to train Soru for now.
By the end of the day I was able to raise my power source index up to 160 and Master basic of Soru, the knowledge I get come with many user experiences so I only have to make it a muscle memory.
After taking a bath, I look at my broker's account and see if someone wants to know something. After selling a little information and get more money from it, I go to bed. On a side note, it seems that Accelerator still hasn't been famous for now.
Seeing to the side to see six Robots still busy at work, I go to sleep.