Chapter 4

Three months have passed and my base is complete today. Touma decides to stay with me up till he was 11th where he will go back to the apartment since Dad already pays it until we graduate. for now, that apartment will be left alone with him going there every month to clean it.

Getting in, she immediately goes to the training room. She will let the robot take care of putting her clothes in her wardrobe. Touma following her as she also already taking care of his. Inside the training room, there is a gravity machine that can up the gravity to a maximum of 500 times earth.

After trying the room where they can only try it up to 2 times for now. Touma's body was not able to handle more than that.


Just like that three years have passed. Now they are nine years old and are in their fourth year of elementary school. When the first semester of their first-year finished, Touma was having an atrocious grade that she also starts to grill him in his study that now his grade was good enough that he is middle ranking in class. She also forces him to learn languages like Italian, Russian, English, and French since she knows that he will need it later in life.

Three years of training she was now level 5 while Touma was list as level 3, it was a success to try level him up with the 46 Ensemble but it was harder for him to raise his level.

For martial arts both her and Touma was able to master all Rokushiki technique and Touma now start to learn the Hasshoken and for Zena, she got herself start in the Path of God in the Six Paths of Void and will start Haki training from now on, as for her magical training it was quite good and she was able to build herself the Diorama many with an extreme climate which she can only enjoy it by herself for now since Touma will just destroy the enchantment if he tries to use it. Touma was able to endure 7 times gravity now with Zena 15 times.


Zena POV

Yesterday, I got myself info that Accelerator was now out of Power Curriculum Program which means that it was close to the incident where he destroys an Army and gets himself famous for. If I'm not wrong they would also bring Esper in that incident and got himself roped by Kihara Amata in the Dark May Project.

Another news that should be noted is that Misaka Mikoto got herself fooled three months ago and give her DNA map to Kihara Gensei. Right now she already levels 3 and starts to get famous.

I got myself close to Konori Mii in these past years along with Yanagisako Aomi which is Mii's roommate and classmate. As for friends in the same year I got close to Fukiyose Seiri. Touma was close with Aogami and Motohama like in canon.

"Ms. Zena! Mr. Touma got himself in trouble. Someone tried to capture him and now he's engaged in battle." my musing got cut off from JARVIS call.

"What! Where is he? And have you find out who they are working for and what do they want from him?" I ask and get myself clothes then leave my home.

"Yes, They are working for the Kihara's family and they want to study him so they can try to replicate his power to create a device that suppresses Esper power. Right now Touma was in 7th District, I'll bring the map with his GPS positioning."

"Hooo, And the individual who ordered them? Hmph, I'll go greet them and warn them not to mess with anyone close to me later." I said and start to jump into the air and start to run through the air using Geppo.

When I arrived at the place, I see that Touma already decimated a quarter of their force.

"JARVIS, call for the Antiskill and Judgement to come here to clean up this mess, also save the footage of them attacking first so the Higher up not able to suppress the news." I said and jump down and start to mow down their numbers.

It was when we finished defeating them that the Antiskill and Judgement arrived. We didn't kill any of them so that it won't be a hassle to deal with. I will kill only if there won't be any witnesses.

"Fuih, Good thing that Nee-san arrived at that time. I was about to get myself overwhelm there!" Touma says as we watch the Antiskill work.

"Hmm, thanks JARVIS for it as it was him that warns me. Also, we will be upping your training if just an army of this size manages to overwhelm you!" I said and he groans hearing it to which I just grinned.

Then one of the Antiskill comes to us and I know who she is. She is Yomikawa Aiho one of Touma teachers later.

"Are you okay kid? Having able to defeat an army of these calibers as expected of one of the only three-levels 5 and also the strongest level 5, Void Empress is what they call you after your assessment where you decimate all other levels 5. Can you tell me what happens here?" she said jokingly and become serious when she asked her last question.

"Haha, I'll take that as a compliment. As for your question, They suddenly appear and attack my little brother. I was at home at that time when I was watching the footage from the Academy City security cameras. It was also me that call on Antiskill" hearing this she gives me a pointed stare as it remains unsaid that I hacked into the security cameras but she didn't point it out.

"I see, then please send us the evidence to help our work and you can leave!"

She says, in which means to send them the Footage of the attack. I just send a copy of the Videos and they let us go.


It was night times and I was on the way to destroy many of the Kihara family bases as a warning. I found out that it was Kihara Amata who orders a hit on Touma. He needs Touma's power to help him control Accelerator.

While I am at it, I also search for the DNA map of Misaka Mikoto to destroy it. But, it seems Gensei holds it close to himself for now.

After getting home, I order JARVIS to take over around ten percent of the Academy City economy to help myself becoming one of the Board of Directors.


A few weeks later, someone comes to my home saying that Aleister Crowley the Board Chairman of Academy City want to meet me. Arriving at the building where he is, there was someone who is already there waiting for me. She is Musujime Awaki her ability is Move Point, which is one of the many teleportation abilities. It seems she already becomes the guide to the windowless building.

"So, it's you that I have to send now huh, Empress!"

"Hello there Musujime-san, I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Meh, let's just finish it already!"

"Right, I'll be in your care then!"

She touches my shoulder and we teleport inside the building. In front of us is a large tube with a man within it standing upside down. We started at each other for a while and Musujime just stands in the back.

"You've got me in a lot of trouble lately Kamijou Zena or should I call you Empress?"

"Haha, call me Zena just fine. What trouble you are talking about?" I said feigning ignorance which he knows.

"Destroying many of the Kihara's lab, taking over ten percent of the Academy City economy and it still raising, then harassing many of the board of directors giving me set back of my plans. Just because someone attacks your brother. What do you want? For you to stop becoming a hindrance to me." he says to which I smile.

"Make me one of the board of directors! Don't ever touch someone close to me. But, if you have something that needs my brother to do just tell him about it if he accepts or not is up to him, don't force him to do anything let him make a choice himself. I know that you have many plans ongoing for him." I say seriously.

"Hooo, you won't mind if I send him to a battlefield? I'm also curious about how you know many of my plans and how you be able to hide from my sight?"

"He is a man, he should brave danger and get himself a setback for him to grow become a dependable man. He's my brother, I know he can do it, he can do anything he wants. That's why I train him to defend himself. Just don't send him out before he is second year of junior high. As for you last two questions just find it yourself!"

"I see, I can give your demand as long as you don't meddle in my plan again."

"As long as it doesn't affect my friend and family I don't care! Also once in a while, I will recruit someone in the dark side of Academy City for my group. Give them a clean slate when I recruit them."

"I can do that. It's was nice meeting you, Empress." he said, and Musujime teleporting us out.