Chapter 6

A month after Accel and Yomikawa stay with us, I and Touma were going up to fifth grade and Accel in sixth grade.

Now, two months after that. I got interesting news. The fifth level 5 just born but it was not one from canon. The ranking is now like this, first place is me, second place Accelerator, third place Dark Matter, fourth place is the newcomers that got her place after beating the now fifth place Meltdowner.

She is called Tachibana Kanade and Her title is Shirayuki. She is given that title because of her power which is Cryokinesis with her being able to change her body into an ice element which basically Hie Hie no Mii and her hair which is Silver, making others start calling her Shirayuki. When I see her photo, I see Kanade from Angel Beats.

After seeing her photo, I got an urge to meet her. That why, after getting her info. Right now I was in front of her dorm room pressing the doorbell.


"Coming!" answer her inside the room.

"Yes, who is it?" she said as she opens the door then stop herself when she sees me.

"So you've found me, Zechan!" she says with a smile.

"Eh! Are you Yuu-chan? But how?" I ask shocked since that was a nickname used by my past girlfriend to call me. Her name was Shinohara Yuki.

"Hehe right, it was me! But call me Kanade now, come in." she said as she lead me to her room.

"As for how I can be here is because Gaia wants to surprise you. In actuality with your karma, you can get five wish when you reincarnated but there was a rule that prevents giving more that three wish at the same time. That why Gaia uses the other two wish for something that will make you happy which is reincarnating me with you then the last is for my power."

"Which you wish for Hie Hie no Mii?" I ask with a smile.

"Nope, I ask for a fusion of Hie Hie no Mii and Demon Extract Teigu hehe."

"Anyway, glad to meet you again. I miss you!" I said and give her a kiss.

"Me too, I miss you." she said then kissed me back.

"I heard about what you do after you find me dead." she said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. If it was not because of me, you will not be dead." I say, looking down.

"Sshhh, you're not at fault. I was ready when I choose to go out with you. I know what your job and I still choose to be with you. Just think of it as bad luck. Let's just be happy from now on. Besides I'm strong now so you don't need to worry about protecting me anymore."

"Okay, By the Way, if you know that I'm here why don't you search for me?"

"I just want to meet you when I'm strong and level 5 is strong enough."

"I see, So where have you been all this time? Who is your parent? And why did you look like Kanade from Angel Beats? You even got her name."

"I've been here all my life, I'm Child Error. As for my appearance, don't you like it? I know your preferences."

"But, your last body also cute."

" Let's just say I also like this body."

"Hmm, if you are Child Error. Do you want to stay with me?" I ask hopefully.

"Okay, I also want to be with you." she answers with a nodded.

"Good!" I then take out my phone.

"JARVIS, tell Touma that I won't be back as I will stay in my girlfriend's place!"

"I will tell him just that Ms. Zena, please have fun with your girlfriend."

"Is that JARVIS? as in Tony Stark AI?"

"Yeah, I rebuild it hehehe," I say feeling smug.

The night passes with us chatting with each other about our life here and our experience. And then before we sleep, we make out with each other. We don't care about our kid's body as we just miss each other touch.

The next morning, I store all Kanade's belonging inside Lunar Mark and we go to my home.

Arriving home there is nobody at home as Yomikawa is at work and Touma goes out with Accel to meet Aogami and Tsuchimikado.

Kanade decides to stay in my room so I put her belonging in my room. After finish putting her belonging, I go to my computer and look for interesting info while also searching for a member of ITEM I want to recruit them. Well, except for Mugino. I don't like that bitch for the crime of killing Frenda-chan.

"What are you doing?" Kanade asks as she just finishes taking a bath.

"Searching the whereabouts of ITEM members, I'll recruit them before they join Mugino."

"Aaahhh, their member is your favorite type of girl. A cute petite girl and a big boob girl, you don't like an Onee-chan type since you like to be the Onee-chan hehe. Are you going to add them to your Harem?"

"Are you okay with it?"

"Of course, go right ahead capture all that cute girls and it won't be long before we can have an orgy." she said while drooling over.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you are perverts. Ah, I find one of them! Takitsubo Rikou, she's still level two and someone just gives a proposal to have her undergoing the Power Curriculum Program. Like hell, I'm letting them do that. JARVIS, connect me to Aleister."

"Affirmative" he answers and the phone call immediately got through. Is Aleister got nothing to do, it's like he was waiting for a phone call which he immediately answers every time it rings.

"Do you need something from me, Empress? It seems that you roped in The new addition to level five Shirayuki."

"Yeah, I want someone. Her name is Takitsubo Rikou, can you send her to me? As for Kanade, it's not that I got her rope in. She's just my lover so don't you ever got any idea on her!"

"Ahh, No wonder. I find it strange that you never show interest in the many boys that tries to woe you. It was because you said that way!"

"Ugh, You and your stalking way. So, about Takitsubo!"

"Ahh, I will send her to you. Is that all?"

"Yeah, thanks"

"You don't have to thank me. I'll just cash in the favor later." he said and cut the line.

"You know Aleister?" Kanade asks surprised.

"I am one of the Board directors and hold 10 percent of Academic City Economics flow. Of course, I know him" I told her with a grin.

" Wow, that's cool." she says, and as she was about the continue, Touma and Accel were back.

"We are back! Nee-san, are you home? Whose shoes is that?"

"Let's go meet him, he will be your brother in law." I tell her with a grin.

"Touma, Accel let me introduce someone. She is Tachibana Kanade, my girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend? As in Girl Friend or Lover?" Touma asks confused.

"Tachibana Kanade? Number 4th level 5?" Accel was curious.

"Yeah, she is my lover! And you are right Accel. She's Shirayuki!"

"Ahh, so that why you never show interest in men! You like girls. So, what should I do with Dad's mission of exterminating Bugs?" Touma asks himself as if losing his life goal.

"Hahaha, Your Dad told him to do that? It makes me want to meet him! He's funny."

"He's the Joker of the family and always brightens the mood. Anyway, Kanade will be staying with us from now on. So, let's celebrate!"

We decide to go to a Sukiyaki restaurant. I call Yomikawa so that we won't be called out by Antiskill because of curfew. She came in 45 minutes and the first thing she said is that we go past curfew.

"Now now Yomikawa-san, please let it go for just today as we are celebrating my girlfriend staying with us."

"You are really didn't hide your preferences huh. Boldly announcing that you get yourself a girlfriend. Well, each to each own. Let's just eat then, so all of you can go home faster!"


The next day Takitsubo Rikou arrived at our home and after interview. I know that she was a Child Error and don't have a place she being to. I offer her a place here and for her to join our group. When she heard that, she agreed immediately while thanking me again and again.