Chapter 19

A week after the Midsummer fest, Academy City has a new incident again. This time it was a poltergeist and I know what it means. This means that the Crystalize Esper incident about to begin. I thought of participating but I've been pushing Aleister button too much lately which is not good.

Sure I can defeat him if we fight. But, at what cost? Since Mikoto will be able to solve it then it was okay. I will just meddle on the Magic side for now since it was more interesting. Well, I can give her a hint just a bit.

She also got a dependable friend for it. Saten was now level two while Uiharu was almost at level three. There is also Mii who is trained by me and also level 4. it at this time that I head Kanade talk.


Kanade PoV

There she goes, thinking of something again from what I remember it was close to Crystalize Esper incident and also the Roman Church, Orsola Aquinas, and Amakusa incident.

"You know, you've been thinking too much. Let's just left it to your brother and Mikoto to deal with them." I told her and she look up from her desk "Why don't we just go play for a while? We haven't done anything Otaku like, ever since we are here. Let's go to Akiba and buy anime this world has to offer!" I suggest and she smiles.

"You know, that's not a bad idea. I also get tired with all this planning thing. But I don't think we can just leave to Akiba now. So, I'll just buy us the Anime and let's watch it together." she says, and start to type her computer.

" I will tell others about our plan for now and ask if they have something they want to watch." I inform her and left the room.


Zena was busy ordering Anime online which popular here and ask Yuan yuan to set up a room for home theater.

Not long after Illya come and request for Mahou Shoujo anime which Zena comply and bought. Rikou and Frenda were not interested and decide to do something else. Saiai like shonen type Anime where it is full of action las is Aisa who doesn't know about it and interest in watching them together.

It was like this that they spend their weeks after that. Binge-watching anything that got their interest.


After a week of that, they got news that both the Crystalize and Roman Catholic Church incident goes on without problem. Especially the Roman Catholic one! This time, Touma is much stronger and smarter than his Canon counterpart. He easily solves the problem and defeats the people from the Roman Church.


Zena got a call from Aleister.

"Hello, Aleister!" she greets while sounding bored.

"It seems that you are bored. If so, then I have a job!" he told her.

"Ohh, what is it?" Zena asks a little interest.

" We have a traitor. One Musujime Awaki along with a few scientists works with outside force and stole a part if Tridiagram that we retrieve from space. I want you to retrieve it back and catch them all."

"I see, then can I have Musujime join my group?" she asks but was rejected.

"No, I still need her as a guide and I already have a group for her!"

"Tch, so who's group is it?" she asks

"You know him, she will be in the same group as Accelerator." he answers as he knows she can just find it out herself if she wants.

"Ahhh, that's okay then. Okay, I'll get it done fast." she said and close the phone.

Zena closes the phone and was about to leave when someone calls out.

"Hey, can we do that job? We've been too idle that we want to stretch our hand." asks Frenda along with Ai and Illya with her.

Zena thought for a while and decide to let them finish the job.

"Okay, but bring Rikou with you!" she answers and they left excited.


Frenda and the girls go to the location of Musujime Awaki last seen by the help of Yuan yuan. Rikou follow them from afar as her job was just to watch over them

"So, the Board of Directors send a bunch of children to deal with us?" said one of the men protecting Musujime and the Scientists that defects.

"Don't deceive with their appearance. They are in the group of the strongest Level 5 Void Empress. She must be also here!" said the scientists.

"You don't have to search. We alone were enough to deal with you people. It would be too Over Power for Zena to come."

"Damn these kids are making fun of us! I will show you the difference between a professional and a bunch of kids!" they say and start to shoot them with their guns.

Ai go to the front and tank their attack which did not get close to her as her offense Armor deflected the bullets. Frenda picked up a stone and throw it in the middle of them making it explode and take care of them.

"You people around Kamijo-san really is a freak. Why are you people so strong?" said Musujime as she just teleporting herself out of range. Her face was paled as she didn't like teleporting herself due to her trauma.

"Heh, you must be Musujime Awaki! Zena has told us about you!" says Frenda as she looks at Musujime.

"Hooo never thought that she will remember me from just meeting me once!" Musujime says with raised eyebrows.

"Hmph, she's super won't forget any super cute girl that she super like easily." Ai says with a proud expression.

"Why are you feeling proud for? Anyway, it's time for Magical Illya to take the show!" Illya declares as she makes a pose which dumbfounded Musujime.

"What with this chuunibyo kid?" she asks the other two who just smirks as they know Illya is really a Magical Girl, what with a star staff calling itself Ruby appears in their house saying that Illya is the chosen one and proceed to change her into a Magical Girl.

The thing is Illya like it that she immediately bonded with the staff.

" Let's go, Ruby!" Illya shout.

" Yes yes Illya-chan! Compact Full Open, Mirror World Circuit : Maximum Engage! Kaleid Liner, Prisma Illya has come!" said Ruby as Illya start her transformation.

Musujime watch dumbfound as sees a Magical Girl transformation in front of her.

"Ugh, this is out! What with that pervert transformation that is done by a loli Girl!" exclaim Musujime in defeat

" Hey, even though I look like this I'm still 18!" Illya shouts making Musujime fall comically.

"Anyway, what use is transforming anyway." she says as she starts to attack using rubble around them by teleporting it to them.

"Of course there is a use, Like this!" She said and wave Ruby around creating a bolt of magic that fly toward Musujime which she blocks by teleporting something in front of her.

Not giving up, Illya continue to fire off many types of element from fire, ice, lightning, etc. Seeing that Musujime was preoccupied with Illya, Frenda gets close and attacks her with explosives punch.

Ai seeing that she won't get her turn just go retrieve the case. Besides, as level 5 it unbecoming for her to bully with number. She only comes for fun.

After the fight goes on for a while, they were able to subdue Musujime without hurting her too much. As they were about to bound all of them, someone comes in and shout at them.

"Stop right there, it is Judgment! For the crime of stealing Academy City secret technology, I'll have to arrest you!" she, Shirai Kuroko said and look up and see the girls with many unconscious around them.

"Ehh! What are you girls doing here? And what happens to them?" she asks surprised.

"Ohh, Shirai! We are super taking care of the thieves. You super don't have to come!"

"On what basis that you take it in your hand to capture them! It is the job of Anti-skill and Judgment!"

"Calm yourself down Shirai! It was Zena who told us to take care of them and we will be the one who takes custody of them." answer Frenda.

"Ehh, why is Zena-senpai have to do with this? On what authority does she base on?" she asks confused

"You don't know? Zena is one of the Board of Directors who holds power over Academy City! It is within her power to take custody of criminals." Illya says, making Kuroko more shocked.

"Let her call the Anti-skill and take care of them! Zena just calls me and told us just to leave it to her and go back home." Say Rikou as she suddenly appear. Which they nodded and left Kuroko alone.

"Hei, I still want an explanation!" she shout.

"Zena says that you can just come to out home to ask!" Rikou shout back making Kuroko in a dilemma as she didn't want to meet Zena for a while since her heart won't be able to take it to be around her and her teasing.