Chapter 28

Third PoV

They arrived at Shokuhou's base and see no one. Someone has already breached her base, Shokuhou immediately makes a call to ask her partner whereabouts.

"Where are you?" she said as her partner pick up the phone.

"Shokuhou-san, we are at the rooftop. Hurry up and come up here." he said up to this but suddenly his body frozen up.

"Now now, what a naughty kid hiding like this. Right Shokuhou-kun?" someone said and an Old Man comes out from hiding holding a remote which pointed to the man, he is Kihara Gensei.

"Kihara Gensei!" said Shokuhou in shock, Mikoto look at her hearing the name.

"Now, Shokuhou-kun! I was quite surprised that you didn't go after my body double and immediately come here. How did you come to the conclusion that I was here?" asked Gensei not losing the smile on his face.

"Hmph, I won't tell!" She answers, her stubbornness surfacing. She looks at Mikoto and she immediately understood her meaning and go to the rooftop.

"Well, it's okay! You just arrived where I want you to be!" he says and pushes a button on his remote, making Shokuhou having headaches from the Exterior being hijack.

"Ugh, what did you do?" she said clutching her head.

"Hehehe, I will borrow your power for a while, Shokuhou-kun." he says as Mikoto arrived at the rooftop.

"Hello there, Misaka Mikoto! Aleister's favorite, now that you are here. Let's start the experiment. By using Shokuhou-kun power to control the Misaka Network, let's have you reach the next level!" he declared and operated his remote making the Sister go berserk with other power and it started to converge on Mikoto making her change to look like a Lightning Goddess.

"Hoo, so that what she looks like when using Level 6? No, it's more like a berserk mode of her level 6." said Zena suddenly appear behind Gensei with a bloody hand. Gensei looks back at her then to her hand. He has a look of realization as he looks at his chest which sporting a hole now. It won't kill him immediately but if he didn't get treatment he will die and he didn't think that this girl will let him get his treatment

"Grk, to think this is where I end. So, it was you who's been directing them my way!" he said as he falls down.

"I've been wanting to meet you Gensei. You're quite a slippery old man to find!" she said looking down at dying Gensei.

"Heh, like hell I'll be in your vicinity. I know you will most likely kill me if that happens, like now!" he said while smiling wryly.

"Well, I'm just going to be happy with this for being the first to created level 6." he said with a laugh.

"Hahaha, Sorry to burst your bubbles old man. But, there are already five people that reach Level 6 in this City! Hell, me and Kanade are already level 7." she said in a mocking tone.

"Impossible! Don't tell me, you already find out the more effective way to reach it?" he asked with a look of realization.

"Yeah, Me and Kanade Level7. Accel, Rikou, and Saiai are at level 6, Mikoto would reach it in around three years even if you did not intervene. What you do is just make it faster for her to reach it so I let you do it! Well, it has been unpleasant meeting you Gensei, bye-bye!" she said and kill him ending his suffering.

"Now, you leave. I'll deal with Mikoto-chan a d the sister from here on!" Zena says to the man who immediately left after the power that holds him disappeared when Zena touches him. Taking Iron Man armor and put it on the sister then order it to bring her back home.

"Well, now let's have a test fight with your new Power Mikoto-chan!" she said Looking at Mikoto who just fired off her power to Aleister windowless building.

"Tch, Don't you dare disturb us with your game!" said Zena as she glared at the direction of Kouzaki Mitori, the traitor of MEMBER Group. Mitori seeing her glare, stop her action and decided to leave. But, there's already Rikou behind her.

"Stay! Zena will have to talk with you later." Rikou order and she doesn't have a choice since from what she just heard from Gensei communicator she is level 6. Not someone she can deal with, so she just sits down looking at the fight between Railgun and the Empress.


Third PoV

"Now that the disturbance is gone, let's have you get used to your power a little, Mikoto-chan." Zena told her even though she won't hear her. She decides not to use Void End for now as not to end this too fast.

Mikoto feeling the threat that Zena poses and immediately attacks her with a volley of a lightning bolt which she dodges easily using her Observation Haki.

She then uses Soru to get close and punch her with the first move of Six Path of Void, Path of Heaven with her fists clad in Armament Haki.

Seeing Zena attacking her, Mikoto summons a large amount of Iron Dust and makes a barrier in front of her to block the attack.

The punches hit the Iron Dust and dispersed it. It continues on and almost hits Mikoto who uses Magnetism to move her body back at the speed of her railgun.

"Hmm, you just move on instincts." she says, as she about to continue someone call her.

"Nee-san! Is that Misaka over there?" it was her brother Touma as he looks at Misaka.

"Touma, don't butt in! I'll take care of this and this is good for Mikoto-chan!" she said and Touma knowing her personality just nodded and go back to see at distance.

Zena nodded at that and was going to continue when another interruption came.



That's what she heard as Sogiita Gunha butted in and attack Mikoto.

"What is this! You guys making a ruckus here, you don't have enough Guts!" he exclaimed as he raised his fists to his chest.

"Hmph, it's you that don't have Guys enough for you interrupting another fight!" she said to him and he was pierced by an invisible arrow.

"Ugh, sorry about that, for interrupting your fight." he says in embarrassment. After that, he goes and sits with Touma who just patted his shoulders.

"Don't mind, nee-san is like that when she's having fun." he says while smiling wryly.

"That's your nee-san. She is full of Guts!" He shouts with enthusiasm.

Seeing that Gunha left she look back at Mikoto who has been charging her attack when she's distracted. There's a large amount of Iron Dust around her.

She then launches the Iron Dust like a whip all around trying to hit Zena. Zena seeing this spread her Haki all around her body then punch and slapped away all the attack toward her.

As the fight is going on, Mikoto gets stronger and stronger until she reaches her peak and her power did not raise any more. Feeling that Mikoto already reach her peak, Zena decides to end the fight and deployed her power, erasing all Esper power around her leaving a faint Mikoto.

Zena took her on her back and walk toward her home.

"Touma, you come?" she shouts out and Touma follow after her after saying goodbye to Gunha.

As they walk, they were joined by Rikou and Kouzaku Mitori, not long after Shokuhou also follows them to her home.