
She was lying on her bed watching an K-pop song. It's her favourite group. Her concentration was all on her mobile phone. So she couldn't notice that someone is on her room. Suddenly she shocked and look around by hearing some sound of falling something. She keep her headphone down and see what is going on. Then see that someone broke into her room. Being afraid she asked "Who are you? what do you want? I'll not shout if you tell me. I am sure you are a thief. Aren't you?" She was quite brave. So she stand up and turn on the light. She saw a little boy taking something like a small bag in his hand. The boy stand silent and do not answer her. He was very afraid and getting nervous. She asked again "Who are you? How you come into my room? I closed the window properly." The boy do not answer this time too. She noticed that his hands was shaking. She shouted again, answer me how you broke into my room? The boy answered being shocked that he is very poor and he has no one on this earth. And he can't eat anything for three days, And now he is very hungry that he came here to search of some food or money. It's his first day of stealing something. She felt pity on the boy and give him some food. And asked "You didn't answer how you came here? when the windows are locked?" The boy showed her rooms window and answer while chewing food "You maybe locked one side but the other side is still open." She became ashamed and turned red. There was no sound for a few moment. The girl broke the silence and said "Now you can go and come tomorrow morning. I'll give you some work and take this money but never do such a thing. got it?" "OK sister, I understand" said the boy and walked away from the door.

The next morning in a College

"Do you watch the new MV of SBS?"


"It was very cool. Isn't it?"

"Yeah, and that dance move of Kim Tae Jin was the coolest part."

"I don't think so. The most coolest part was Rok's move."

"Maybe. I can't watch it properly."


Then the girl give a description of last night. Listening her story her friend got afraid and shocked. Then said "Oh! It's really shocking. What if the boy have a knife and stabbed you? How brave you are!" "Oh really? She have to be because she is our auntie." Laughingly said other girl. Everyone laughed when she tell that. Just one girl can't laugh. She bowed her head and stood like a fool. Then the girl who assumed her as auntie told again, "It seems like our auntie is a big fan of K-pop. Aww could you understand them? I am sure you are not. But you still a fan of them? Poor Auntie. Let's cheer her up." Then everyone except the brave girls friend shouted "Auntie is a fan of K-pop! Auntie is a fan of K-pop!" The girl can't stay there any longer. She ran away from the place and wiped her eyes.

The next day her friend come to her being exited. She said to her that the K-pop group SBS is coming to their city the next day. They have a concert on their city. But It's not too far. So she somehow managed two tickets of the show for them. And she is willing go there if her friend say yes. And the more important things that her father would not let her go If her friend disagree. Because she is the most trustworthy and can take care of her. So she requested her to go with her.

But the girl answered "It's a very good news. I am very happy to heard that. But I can't go." Her friend wondered and asked but why?

"Because I don't deserve this."

"Ah! Come on. Don't say like this. They were bad girls and don't listened to them. I know you like them."

"Who said you? I don't like them."

"Whaaat???" It seems like the sky broke on her head. And when she can't manage her to agree she felt disappointing and left away.

[On the other city]

"Hey, Tae Jin! Don't go there. It's raining." said Chi won.

"I know, I know I'll take an umbrella and I'll be back soon," Then Tae Jin take an umbrella and start walking to the door.

"But You'll catch cold if you get wet in this rain" said Kang Min.

"Don't worry too much hyung. I'll be fine. I'll not get wet"

"You never listened to me. I am the oldest member here and you should listened to me." Kang Min said little angrily.

"Don't be angry my mom, I'll come as soon as possible. And do you forget that I am the polite and gentle boy ever?" Tae jin said cutely.

*Okay fine just go. And come back soon. Or else I'll punish you."

"Thank you so much. I love you. Bye"

He was going to a movie theatre alone. He don't want to take anyone with him. Because he know that if Chi Won come with him he can't be able to enjoy the movie because of his mischief. But he wanted to take him once as he is the best friend of Tae Jin. And if Kang Min would come with him he will not let him to do anything. So he is going alone.

After watching the movie Tae Jin was on his way to home. He have to hold the umbrella yet because the rain does not stopped. And It's raining heavily more than before. And there's no Taxi or any other vehicles because it's late night. So he is walking slowly and carefully. Suddenly he saw a girl is on the bridge. It looks like she is committing suicide. And she was going to jump from the bridge. He can't think anything and ran to the girl. He catch up her hand and trying to pick her up but in vain. He also fell to the river. But luckily he was able to hold the bridges side and hang on somehow with the girl.

"Hey guys! Let's practice for tomorrow" coming into the room said Kim Ha Joon.

"Ok but don't we need everyone for this? It's our team song we are going to perform." said Chi Won.

"Yeah. So what? we all are here and we are going to practice now. After practicing we'll go to bed. Got it? It won't take too much time." said Ha Joon.

"But are you sure we all are here? Take a good look" said Kang Min smilingly.

Kim Ha Joon, The leader of the team take a good look around and he found there is Chi Won, Kang Min, Jung Hwa, Young Soo, Jyun Eun and he. But he found Tae Jin nowhere.

"Where is Tae Jin? Is he asleep already? or sitting in front of computer to play games like always?" ask Ha Joon.

"Uh, the thing is...."


"He is not in home" said Chi Won being afraid of him.

"What? Where did he gone without telling me? Don't you need to stopped him to go outside when It's raining heavily?" asked the leader angrily.

"We tried to stopped him but you know he didn't listened to us" said Kang Min.

"OK. Who is with him?" he asked.

"No-one. He is alone"

"Shit! It's not fair. Don't you know? At least he should take one guard with him. What if some bad thing happened to him? Or what if he got wet and catch cold? How can he able to sing or perform tomorrow? You guys are unbelievable!" said Ha Joon very angrily. He took his phone and called Tae Jin but nobody answers. He called again. But no-one pick up the call. He called again and again. But he can't communicate with him. Everyone get worried. What happened to their most loving boy? Where did he go? They love Tae Jin more than anything on this earth. So they all get tensed because it's too late. He should be at home at the time.

"Should we call manager?" asked Kang Min.

"No, he would be very angry after hearing this. We should find him out for our own." said the leader calmly.

They started to call him continuously but it's in vain. He doesn't answer his phonecalls. So they can't wait for him and they all went out to find him with their guards.