Chapter 3

"No need to wake up. Just lay down and take rest." said Kang Min gently.

"But I have to fresh up. Then we need some practice. We have a show today. Right?" said Tae Jin in a broken voice.

"Can you practice in this situation?" asked Ha Joon.

"Yes, I can." saying this Tae Jin trying to sit up again. But he was too weak that he cannot.

"See? And if you are able to practice but could you sing properly in this broken voice? I knew it would happen. What was your that important work? Why you get wet and being ill? And where is you phone? Give me that I'll break it now. Could you please answer me? If you don't want to then don't." said Ha Joon angrily.

Then Tae Jin was going to tell them that what happened last night and why he can't pick up his phone. But Suddenly the manager came to the room and say, "Why you are all here? Don't you need practice? Go to the practice room. We will depart at 2.00 pm. So be prepared at that time." He didn't noticed Tae Jin yet. But now ge noticed him and asked, "What happened Tae Jin? Are you OK?"

"No he is not. And I think we can't go and join the concert today." said Chi Won.

"What? Seriously? How did this happened? Ah! The most handsome man in the world catch cold and fever? Don't worry. Get well soon. Take rest at home. And you six, prepare for tonights show. We can't stopped for one. The show must go on. Now go and do some practice." said the manager.

"No. We can't go without him." insisted Ha Joon. By hearing this the rest of the team agreed with him.

"So take him with you if he can perform." said the manager.

JE gonna said something but he has to stop in the middle "We are saying that...."

"What? to cancel the show? You know it's not happening. Now just go and get ready. And how this happened Tae Jin?" asked the manager angrily.

"We will not perform. Cancel the concert. And if you can't we will tweet it on our own." said Ha Joon being angry. "Ok you don't need to do this. I'll do something. Just live your life as you want." saying this he ran out of the room "Now Tae Jin please tell us what happened last night. We need to know." said Chi Won. "No! he need some rest now. Take a rest my baby. We will know about it later." said Kang Min.

"It's Ok. I could tell you." saying this Tae Jin told them what happened last night. And also said that he lost his phone. And he couldn't play games on his phone. Hearing his story everyone get shocked.

"Hey! Don't worry. You will get a new phone. I will get you that." saying this Jung Hwa hug him tightly.

"But I made a high score on that!"

"You punk! You are alive and this is your high score. If something happened to you how you will get a high score then? What would happened to us? Please don't do such a thing again." said Kang Min gently.


"Not Ok. Promise me. No promise all of us."

"I promise."

"That's my boy. Now get some rest. I'll make some porridge for you." saying this Kang Min left to the kitchen to make porridge with his own hands. He is quite good at cooking and he really like to cook food for his brother like friends.

Ha Joon had a question on his mind yet but he could not ask for Kang Min. Now he ask to Tae Jin like he was begging, "Let me ask you one question why you have to go outside at the late night? And where did you go? Tell me the truth. I'll not yell at you."

"To watch a movie." in fear he replied.

Ha Joon doesn't say anything just take a long breathe. At the time his phone ringing and he pick up the call.


"I call you to say that I canceled your concert. Now you don't need to go. Stay with him. But don't come too close to him. Then you all will be sick too. And take care of your team. I don't know how this happened but I don't want to see or hear any other news like this. Got it?" "Who was it?" asked Tae Jin.

"Manager." He cancelled today's concert.

At the time Kang Min entered the room with porridge. "Sit up Tae Jin. Eat it And drink the ginger tea. I'll feed you." he said. Suddenly he noticed Ha Joon with a very anxious and angry face. So he asked him "What happened Ha Joon?"

$Just worried about him." showing Tae Jin he replied.

"Don't worry he will get well soon."

"Not the matter. It's about last night. And about where he went."

"Where?" asked Kang Min.

"Why don't you ask him. He will answer better than me." say Ha Joon angrily. Everyone was very afraid because they know where he was gone the last night and why Ha Joon is so angry. But Kang Min didn't know because he was in kitchen that time.

"Where, Tae Jin?" asked Kang Min.

Tae Jin replied with a broken voice "To watch a movie."

"What? A movie? Which movie? If you wished to watch that much couldn't you tell us? We will bring a DVD of that and watch that together." said Kang Min.

"But it released yesterday and I want to watch it on theatre. I barely got a ticket of it." replied he.

"But you shouldn't go outside at late night and when it was raining." said Young Soo.

"But I took a umbrella with me." said Tae Jin.

"Urgh! Umbrella! Was it Captain America's shield that would protect you from all danger? Why you have to save the girls life? Why you have to get wet at the middle night? Why you don't listened to us? When you leave that childish behaviour?" asked Ha Joon. He can't control his anger when he hear that Tae Jin went to a movie yesterday.

Tae Jin can't answer this time and stay silent. Suddenly he remembered that the girl was Ha Ni and get exited.

"But the girl was Ha Ni of 'Redleaf' girl band. You know her, right? And I know you like her too." said Tae Jin.

Everyone astonished by hearing Ha Ni's name. They all shouted together 'Ha Ni!'

"Why she was going to die? Ah! Thank goodness that you saved her. We are really very big fan of her." said JE.

But this time Ha Joon can't reply because he was shocked and he was quite a big fan of her. And one more thing is he truly like her but he never admit it. No one noticed him but if anyone noticed then he could see that his face was turned into red for being shy. But he want to ignore the matter but he failed so he said "Who told you this? I am her big fan. You are also a fan of her. Everyone is a big fan of her in this room. And we should be because she is the only one who has such a pretty face, she is very kind to people. She is..."

He can't finish his word suddenly Chi Won said while smiling at him "We know how you loved her. Our leader got a girl who we all admire." Hearing this everyone laughed at him loudly.

"Hey! You punk! Where is your manner? And I told you I don't even like her. Got it? Now go and do some work. Don't be lazy." saying this Ha Joon left the room because he don't want to show his shying red face.

"Tae Jin, Please don't do such a thing again. please." said Kang Min. Because he feels guilty for this. He thinks if he insist more yesterday than he could stop him and today it's not happening.

"Ok! I told you I will not do that again." said Tae Jin.

"Swear it."

"I swear."

"That's my boy. Now take some rest. We have to go now."by saying that he shook Tae Jin's hair. Then they all leave the room and attend to their daily work.

"Wow! The ramen is so good. Aren't you gonna eat?" asked Ji Na.

"Yes, But later. Are you okay now? Let's do our homework together." said Eun.

"Let's go. But I am not that happy. I really want to see them face to face." said Ji Na.

"Now forget about it. Maybe It's happen because there is someone who will get It's good result. Remember that always. When something happened It's all happened for good."

"Aye Aye captain! I will remember. But now I could understand why the girls call you auntie. You always act like you are all grown up. Now let's go and finish our homework."