Chapter 18

"I-i d-didn't want to do this. Sorry" saying this Eun left from there. Kang Ji Hyung couldn't say a word. And Ji Na kept silent but there was another person who felt happy. It was Tae Jin. But why he felt happy he does not know. There was silence for some minutes. Tae Jin forgot why he was there. Suddenly Ji Na started to talk.

"Why were you going to do such a thing? Didn't I teach you how to get her heart? Did you forget all of that?" Ji Na asked to Kang Ji Hyung hardly. Tae Jin couldn't understand what she was saying. But he wanted to know the answer so he could not move from there.

"I didn't understand she would be that angry." replied Kang Ji Hyung.

"But why was she like that? Doesn't she like him?" asked Tae Jin.

"I don't know. But she doesn't like such things. Maybe she will never be able to like a boy again." saying this Ji Na sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" asked both of the boys being curious.

Ji Na begins to tell them a story. All of them was standing before. But now, Kang Ji Hyung and Tae Jin sat on the bed and Ji Na took a seat beside bed on the chair which was kept near a small table. Eun used that table sometimes to write something.

"You don't know about her. But I know a lot about her. Once she used to love a boy. No, you could say that she had a crush on the boy. I have never seen him so I could not tell how handsome he is or what he is like. Whatever, one day the boy proposed her and they became a couple. They dated for some time. They spent time with each other. I have to tell you an important thing and that is, Back then Eun had a lot of charm and beauty. Because she used to take care of her skin and body. So, she knew that the boy used to love her. She also fell in love with him. But the boy didn't love her. He was pretending to love her. He was a playboy who used to play with many girls heart. One day, the boy called her in his house. She couldn't refuse him. But that morning when she was on her way to home from shopping, she saw that boy with a girl. They were so close to each other. She became so angry by seeing that she never wanted to see that boy's face again. But the boy would not let her go so easily. He came to her home and said sorry. But Eun didn't accept his apology. He started to bother her at school. One day the boy came to her and wanted to say something, Eun wanted to leave. But the boy held her hand and started to force her in front of everyone. So, she slapped him in front of everyone and left. The boy felt very angry and wanted to take revenge. So, One night he came to Eun's home. When she opened the door she was panicked by seeing him. Eun wanted to close the door but she couldn't. He entered her home forcedly. And locked the door and began to hit her with his hand. After that he forced her to do something terrible. Eun wanted to get away but she couldn't. When she called for help a man and an woman went there and broke the door. They were her neighbors. When they broke the door they saw that the boy was on her and she was crying for help. Her clothes were torn here and there. On her face and hand there were signs of injury. The man pulled up the boy and called the police. Eun was saved that night. But she thinks if they would not come that night, he would have probably killed her. And she won't give the chance to anyone to come close to her ever again. She swore that she would not trust anyone again. Never. Since then, she hates boys. She covers herself with full clothes. She choose books as her partner. She became creepy like that. And she doesn't talk with boys so much. She told me this story. We weren't in same school before. After that incident she left that school and came to our school. And she left that area too." saying this Ji Na stopped. Tae Jin and Kang Ji Hyung felt very sad hearing this.

"I didn't know about that. Maybe I have made a terrible mistake. I have to apologize." said Kang Ji Hyung.

"Ah, Right! I was here to discuss tomorrow's plan. You brought gifts?" asked Ji Na.

"Oh, yes." said Kang Ji Hyung.

"I also wanted to give her something. But I have nothing right now. What should I do now?" said Tae Jin?

"Buy her something." said Ji Na.

"I don't have money. All my money was robbed." Tae Jin said sadly.

"Oh! Then what can you do? I don't have any idea." said Ji Na. After that the three of them began to plan of the next day. That evening when their plan was ready, they started their work. Tae Jin's part was making her busy. So, Tae Jin went to her and began to talk. Eun's mood was not so good. So, she was looking a bit worried. Tae Jin could understand it and sat beside her. He said, "Could you teach me how to cook?" Eun was surprised because she did not expect this from him.

"What? Seriously? You want to learn cooking. And I will teach you?" asked Eun being surprised. Yes, all my hyungs can cook. But I can't. Don't you think it's awkward for me? So, I want to learn how to cook. Can you please teach me? Pretty please? asked Tae Jin cutely. Eun smiled and said, "Come with me." When she was going to leave Tae Jin held her hand and made her stop.

"What now?" asked Eun and exceeded her hand.

"There is one more thing I wanted to discuss. And that is, I have to go back. You opened my eyes. I thought if I hide for some days, everything will be alright. But now, I think I was wrong. I have to face it. I have to keep faith in me. I will make everything right no matter what. My brothers are also in trouble for me. Singing is not my profession. it is my passion. So I can't leave it. I have to gain people's trust one more time." said Tae Jin and smiled. "That's good. First of all, you have to fix your phone. There's a phone shop in this village. Then you have to communicate with others. They are quite worried about you. So, you have to inform them that you are alright and you are coming back so that they can inform the public about your return. Now, come on I will teach you how to make egg roll." said Eun and left. Tae Jin also went after her but suddenly he remembers his phone. So he searched it but couldn't found anywhere. He called Eun and asked if she saw it. But Eun answered in negative.

"Where could it be? It was in my pocket just now." said Tae Jin worriedly.

"It was in your pocket?" asked Eun and she understood what happened to his phone. He rushed to Damien's house. Tae Jin also followed her. When they reached they saw that Damien was playing games on a mobile phone. Tae Jin noticed that it was his phone.

"Hey! It's my phone. Where did you get that?" asked Tae Jin loudly. Eun could understand what happened and she asked him, "You did it again? How many times have I told you not to do this?"

"Sorry. Sister. My phone is lost. So, I took his phone to play games. However, it was broken and useless for him." said Damien.

"But it's stealing. You could ask him for this. Why you did that? Say sorry to him." said Eun. Damien said sorry to Tae Jin. But Tae Jin was surprised to see his phone. How could a boy fix this? But he was happy for that.

"It's okay and thanks for this." said Tae Jin smilingly.

"Damien, promise me you will never do this again. I am you sister, not your brother who taught you that bad things. Got it?" said Eun.

"Okay sister. But why do you keep calling me that? You know my real name now." asked the boy.

"I named you like my favourite singer. You look just like him. I like him very much. I could see him in you. So I call you that name." answered Eun.

"Favorite singer! Damien!" I have never heard about him. Which country he is from?" asked Tae Jin.

"He is a German singer. I love his songs. Most favorite is 'Silent scream' and 'Keep it under'. He is really cool." said Eun. Her eyes were sparkling when she was saying that. But Tae Jin felt jealous because she never told him that she likes his songs or she is his fan. So, out of anger he said, "Yeah, yeah. those titles suits you." After that they returned home and Tae Jin took her to kitchen without saying any words. Then two of them started cooking. Here Eun is a teacher and Tae Jin is a student. Eun teaches him like she is teaching a kid.

[Meanwhile in the main house of SBS]

"Hey, everybody! look. I can track his phone now, His phone is on right now." said Chi Won being exited.

"Really? Show me, show me." said the others and come to him.

"Where is he! It seems like he is in a village." said Yeong Soo.

"Yes, it's not town. Why he is there?" said Jeong Eun.

"Who could say?" said Jung Hwa. One of them was silent. He was Ha Joon. He was going to left from there.

"Where are you going?" asked Kang Min. "To make a phone call." said Ha Joon smilingly.

"Then stay here. We also wants to hear his voice." said Kang Min. Ha Joon called Tae Jin.

"Hey! It's not like that. Do it like this." said Eun to Tae Jin. Both of them were a frying pan on their hands. Eun was rounding the pan with her hand. Tae Jin also tried to do the same but he failed.

"I am trying. Why you are shouting at me?" said Tae Jin.

"Okay, so it like this next time." saying this Eun show him again that how to round the pan after pouring the egg mixture on the pan. When he poured the next spoon of egg, he tried to rounding the pan again but he was just shaking it. Eun put down her pan and come to Tae Jin. She hold the pan over Tae Jin's hand and teach him. Suddenly Tae Jin noticed that she actually hold his hand. He looked on Eun's face. There was no reaction in her face. But Tae Jin have reaction. He could not move for some times.

"What? Keep eyes here." saying Eun, she also looked on Tae Jin's face and after that she noticed that she hold his hand. At that time, Tae Jin's phone rang. Both of them move aside from each other and Tae Jin took out his phone from his pocket.