Chapter 28

"Really? But why will I go with you? I could rather live in a hotel. After some days, when everything will be fine, then I will go back to my city." said Eun with a certain voice.

"Really? Then you have a lot of money. Don't you?" said Tae Jin with a funny smile.

"Aah!" said Eun and she thinks that he hit the bullseye to make her stop talking. "Who does he think he is? I know he is rich but why show off? I hate the rich people for that. And why he is sticking with me like glue? He has any work or not? Aish! He will make me go crazy." she told to herself.

"Why are you mumbling? What are you saying?" asked Tae Jin with that smile again?

"Look, how he is laughing? I think something will go wrong." said Eun to herself but she said to Tae Jin,

"No, nothing happened. I was just thinking if it's okay to go with you. Your team will let me stay there with you? And what about your company and manager? I am sure they will not let me." said Eun and smile weirdly.

"Hmmm, That's a big problem. I have to think about it," said Tae Jin and starts to think about her. Suddenly he acts like he got an idea and he turns back to go somewhere.

"Ah! such a coward. I am sure he got afraid run will run away from here." said Eun in her mind. But she surprised when he came back.

"You again? What now?" said Eun. But she also wants that he would return to her and take her with him. But she was acting like she doesn't want to go with him.

"Just try this." saying this Tae Jin give her a male shirt and a pant.

"Why will I wear this?" asked Eun being surprised.

"Trust me, And go change your clothes. I already talked with the doctor. He said that you can go home now." said Tae Jin. "Really? Why you are acting like that?" asked Eun surprisingly.

"Just go! No more questions. You will hurt my head by questioning me." said Tae Jin. Eun could not answer anything to him. But she was happy to see him. She got emotional because no one behaved with her like this after her mom's death. But she controls herself and wear those clothes and came out.

"I knew it!" shouted Tae Jin.

"What?" asked Eun. Look at yourself. You just look like a boy! Now, you have to cut your hair. And you will become a boy like us." said Tae Jin happily.

"I won't cut my hair. I will never. My hair is long and I have to do a lot for getting this long and thick hair." said Eun angrily.

"I knew it," said Tae Jin with a disappointing voice, and after that, he is taking a wig from a bag and give that to her. Eun could not understand what he was doing. But she took that thing from his hand and put it on her head.

"Now, look at this." saying this Tae Jin takes his phone and open the camera option and show her. Eun saw that she was looking like a boy. That's what she wants! She wants to become a boy! Then nobody could harm you. No one could say about her lifestyle. No one will call her creepy. She was so happy about that.

"I will take you to my home like this. If they see a boy with me, they won't refuse to keep you with us," said Tae Jin being happy. But Eun still could not understand why this boy wants to protect her? Why an idol will act like this? She wants to know. But she was happy because she can get help from him and the most important thing is she is going to see the big and famous house if SBS! If Ji Na knows about it, she will be crazy out of happiness.

"Okay, but what is my identity? Who am I?" asked Eun?

"You are Lee Ho Won. My friend Lee Ho Dong's younger brother. You will come to me for finding a job. You are new to our city. So, you do not have any place to live. And I, the kind and handsome king is helping my friend's little brother. Got it?" said Tae Jin and smiled proudly.

"You should be a writer, not a singer," said Eun with a weird face.

"Yeah yeah, I know, Now stop praising me," said Tae Jin again with that smile. Eun could not understand Tae Jin. So she stayed calm.

"Now, wrap up. We should leave now," said Tae Jin. There was no one else without them in the room. But someone was looking at them with the glass door of the room.

"Hey! Come here, I found a love bird." said the lady who was behind the door. She was that nurse who was taking care of Eun. Another nurse came and look at them,

"Aww, how cute they look like!" said another nurse.

"Aren't they? I think that boy loves the girl very much." said the nurse. They were looking at Tae Jin's backside. So, they weren't able to see his face. But they could see Eun's face.

"Really? How do you know that?" asked another nurse.

"Because when he admitted her, I saw him. He was crying and told the doctor to save her life. And when I talked with him, he was so shocked and sad." said the nurse excitingly.

"Ah! I wish someone would love me like that!" said another nurse and took a long breath.

"Okay, " said Eun but she had nothing to wrap up. She had just some old and dirty clothes which she was wearing. But she took them and put the pen drive in her new clothes pocket.

"Hey! You can't take these clothes with you," said Tae Jin.

"Why?" asked Eun.

"Why? Everyone will know your real identity. Did you forget that you are a boy now?" said Tae Jin loudly.

"Ah! Yes, I forgot." When they reached Tae Jin's house Eun was surprised to see his home. It was so beautiful and so big that Eun could never imagine. There were so many lights in the hallway. The house was shining like someone just made this. She opened her shoes and put her feet on the floor. The floor was also shining. She could easily see her face on the white tiles of the floor. She felt happy because she wanted to spend a very rich life but she knew she would never be able to lead such a life. She thought, "If Ji Na knows that, what would be her reaction? She will go crazy. Maybe she will faint out of happiness." She smiled in her mind.

"Welcome to our house," said Tae Jin and bowed her head before Eun.

"So, this is your house?" said Eun. She has no happy face reaction.

"Yes, my lady," said Tae Jin and smiled gently.

"Are you a prince? Why are you talking so formally?" asked Eun and smiles. "Maybe I am," said Tae Jin.

"Who is this?" asked Chi Won. He was going somewhere but when she saw Eun, he stopped.

"Ah! This is my friend..." Tae Jin was going to say his false story but Chi Won stopped him.

"Ah! He is that friend who was in the hospital?" said Chi Won and come to Eun. Hi, I am Chi Won. How are you now? How did you get injured? Since when you and Tae Jin are friends?" asked Chi Won so many questions and shook his hand with her. Eun could not answer anything because before that he starts talking again.

"You are cute. Is this real?" saying this Chi Won pulls her cheek.

"Ahh! You are also so soft," said Chi Won and continues to pull her cheek.

"Stop it now," said Tae Jin. "Look, how soft his cheeks are!" said Chi Won. Tae Jin got angry and said,

"I don't want to." He noticed that Chi Won was standing too close to Eun and Eun was feeling awkward. Suddenly the other team members came to them. "What is going on?" asked Ha Joon.

"Tae Jin brought his friend here," said Chi Won.

"Really? Your sick friend?" asked Jung Hwa.

"No, it's his younger brother," said Tae Jin.

"Brother? Why did you bring his brother here?" asked Kang Min.

"What about your sick friend?" asked Young Soo.

"Ah! He is no more," said Tae Jin and started to fool them by a fake cry.

"Don't cry, my baby," said Kang Min and console him.

"What should I do now, Hyung? He told me his last words. And I have to keep his word. I promised him." said Tae Jin and cried artificially.

"I can understand your feeling. But what did you promise him?" asked Ha Joon. "To take this boy with me. He will stay with me as he has no one without me now," said Tae Jin to fool them again. "Oh! That's so sad. But you can keep him if he doesn't harm our schedule." said Kang Min.

"Yes, you can keep him but in one condition," said Ha Joon.

"What condition?" asked Tae Jin. Eun was silent and was enjoying Tae Jin's behavior.

"You can't spend much time with him. And he will stay in the guest room. If he needs something, he has to go and buy his own. And he can't go to my room. And no one will help him with his chores." said Ha Joon strongly.

"Okay, I got it," said Tae Jin.

"Hi, I am Kang Min. Nice to meet you. And you are welcome here." said Kang Min.

"Yes, I know. Nice to meet you too," said Eun.

"So, What is your name?" asked Young Soo and Jeong Eun together. Eun forgot her fake name. She was going to tell her real name.

"Eu..." she could not finish because Tae Jin stopped her.

"Eu? Did you mean 'you'? Come on! Why would I tell them? Don't be shy. Think you are in your own home." said Tae Jin and smiled weirdly.

"No, I just saying that my name is..." Eun could not remember the name. She asked Tae Jin with her eye signal.

"Lee Ho Won. He is Lee Ho Won. And he is very shy of strangers." said Tae Jin and smiled again.

"Ah! Don't hesitate about anything. Just tell us what you need. We will help you and we are sorry for your brother." said Jeong Eun.

"Then you are his younger brother, I thought that you are his that friend. But how did he die? Did anything wrong happen to him?" said Chi Won. Eun looks at Tae Jin because she could not find any answer.

"Talk to him later, now we need to go to the practice hall. Tae Jin, show him the room then join us," ordered Ha Joon. "Aye aye captain," said Tae Jin and left with Eun. Eun saw that the hallway was so big that It seems like an endless path. Both of them were walking beside each other and after a few moments, they reached the guest room.

"This is your room. Go and get fresh. I will see you later. And don't forget that you are Lee Ho Won here. Am I clear?" said Tae Jin and left. Eun entered the room. This room was quite big too. She never dreamt of this. The bed was so big. There was a big cupboard, Wardrobe and a table in the room. There were lights in the room. But it was not so clean.

"Maybe people do not come here often. I will clean it." Thought Eun and started cleaning. After she cleans the room she goes to the washroom. It was also very big. "Ah! Is it a sauna?" said she in her mind. Then she saw a bathtub there. "How many times I dreamt of you!" said Eun and sit inside it.

All of the teammates were in the practice room. They were practicing their new song. Suddenly a phone rang. Jung Hwa took it and gave that to Ha Joon.

"It's your phone," he said. Ha Joon takes the phone and was panicked by looking at the screen.

"What's wrong?" asked Kang Min. Everyone wants the answer. So, all of them stopped practicing and looked at him. "It's my mom." said Ha Joon.

"Ah! Then talk to her." said Young Soo. Ha Joon left from there and after some moments he ran into the room and shouted, "There is a big problem." Why? What happened? shouted everyone.

"My mom is coming." said Ha Joon being afraid.

"Ah! Then let her come." said Young Soo. "What? Who is coming?" everyone shouted. Because last time when she came, they remember how she acted with them. Most important thing is she is very talkative.

"And she said, she have a surprise for us." said Ha Joon.

"And Tae Jin, I am sorry that you have to share your room for some days." thinking something Ha Joon said again. "Why? I am not sharing my room with your mom." said Tae Jin loudly.

"Aish! Why will you share your room with her? I am saying that, there is no other room for other guests. My mom is coming tonight. Where will she stay? You have to move your friend to your room. You have to share your room with your own guest." said Ha Joon.