Chapter 34

Eun and Tae Jin were on a hill. They came here to enjoy the wind as here's wind is so nice. It was too high from lowland that the lands are not seen from the top of the mountain. Eun was enjoying it as she came here for the first time. They were in the corner of the mountain. Suddenly the stones are moving from under their feet. They noticed that the soil of the hill is falling from the mountain. Eun was standing too much corner that she was going to fall from there. Tae Jin was standing a little far from her. Eun wants to move from there but she could not. Before that, her leg slipped from there and she was going to fall. But Tae Jin runs to her and hold her hand. He was shouting for not to get worried and try to hold his hand tightly. But Eun was shouting for help and she was crying out. Tae Jin wants to pull her with all his power but suddenly someone hits him from his back and he was in so much pain that he left Eun's hand and Eun falls from the mountain. The mountain was so high that her scream was not heard from there. Tae Jin could not move and he was just looking at how Eun was falling. Suddenly Tae Jin woke up and see that he is on his bed and he is sweating in this cold. His heart was pounding so loudly that if anyone would there in his room, he could clearly hear his heart pounding.

"That dream again! Ah! Why did I keep dreaming like this? She is now in front of my eyes. What should I do? Ah! I could not get it." said Tae Jin to himself. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and he wants to get some sleep as he can't sleep at night. But he can't go back to sleep because he was thinking of his dream. "How I could get rid of this?" asked Tae Jin to himself. He found a way to know what is happening to him. The way is his mother's friend. She pretends that she could assume all the things that he has to know. "Let's test her how much she could assume," said Tae Jin. He wants to see Eun. So, he goes to his secret room but he surprised because nobody was there.

"Where is she?" he asked and start to search for her. But she was nowhere in the house.

"Did she leave already without telling us? Aish! I told her to stay here." Tae Jin put his hand on his head and start to thinking where she could go. He changes his clothes and went out to search for her. He searches for her everywhere near his house. But she was nowhere.

"Where could she be?" said Tae Jin to himself. Suddenly he thinks why he is so curious about her? Why he has to save her? Why did he keep dreaming about her? And why only she came to his dream? He could not find any answer. But where is the girl right now? Did she leave to her home? But she couldn't. If she goes home, she must tell him. Should he call her? But how? She lost her phone and she could not buy a new one. Tae Jin became sad because he couldn't find her. He came to the park but today he was not in the mood for jogging. So, he sits on a bench there and looking at the park. Some people were there who were jogging or exercising. Tae Jin kept watching them and thinking about Eun. He remembers that he can't waste his time for her. He has to solve his problem. He has to remove the mark which is on his character. As Woo Jin says, people forget about that. But not all people forget about that. Just a few fans support him. And the rest of the world's people, see him on different eyes. They think yet that he is a monster. But what he does wrong? Nothing. He is quite handsome, he admits it. But why people keep saying that he needs young girls to protect his beauty? He couldn't get anything. He felt so disappointed that he didn't notice someone came to him and sit beside him.

"What's wrong?" said the girl.

Tae Jin looks at the girl and surprised to see Eun. "Hey! Where were you? searched for you everywhere. But you were not anywhere. Why you come out without telling me? You don't know how worried I was?" said Tae Jin loudly. His voice was like he was yelling at her.

"Why are you acting like this? Did I say to worry about me? Did I tell you to search for me? Are you my guardian? Or my bodyguard?" said Eun.

"I am the one who was in tension and you said that why I am acting like this? Don't you remember that you are my responsibility? Then stop questioning me and just answer my questions." said Tae Jin. He was in a serious mood. Eun got afraid but didn't show him. She laughed at him and said, "Looks like you are in a serious mood. I didn't mean that. I was just saying that you don't have to worry about me. I am fine. I came here to get some fresh air. Nothing else. But...." Eun stopped after saying these.

"But what?" asked Tae Jin calmly.

"But it's my last day here. Do you forget what ROK said last night? I can't stay here with you? Then why are you keep acting like this? You have to consider your life and your career. Not the others." said Eun and stopped. But she even didn't know why she felt bad to say this.

"You are not going anywhere. You are staying with me and that's final. I will save you no matter what. And I will help you to find that detective. After you finished your duty, you can leave. But not before that. And I have a reason to do this. But, you will never ask the reason because I won't tell you. Now, let's go home." said Tae Jin and stand up. Eun cannot answer or reply to him anything because she noticed that he was serious when he was talking. And also she needs someone's help. If he wants to help her in free, how she could refuse him? So she kept following him and thinking that why he wants to help her? She remembers her friends. What if the goons catch Ji Na? She saw in various movies that when the villains want to catch a hero or heroine, they catch their family or friends first so that the hero had no choice. She was looking at the street in the park and thinking of these things. Suddenly she hits with something and stopped. She can't move anymore. She saw that it was Tae Jin who turns back to her and she hits with her.

"What are you thinking so deeply?" asked Tae Jin and smile.

"Nothing. But why you stopped?" asked Eun.

"I have something to say to you. But now I forget what was I going to say," said Tae Jin. Then they start walking again. When they came home, it's 8 am. Everyone woke up and they were waiting for him.

"Oh! You two were together? Why you are late?" asked Kang Min. Tae Jin didn't answer and look at Eun. After some time he said to Eun, "Go inside. I have something to share with them." Listening to him, Eun went inside.

"When will she leave?" asked Ha Joon to Tae Jin.

"Hyung, will you listen to me just one time?" said Tae Jin. Ha Joon didn't reply anything but Tae Jin didn't wait for his answer. He starts by saying what he has to say. He told all of his dream from the first day. And he also said that, whenever she is in danger, he saw those types of dreams. And he is worried about her and he would not sleep well if he doesn't help her.

"Can't we just let her stay here?" said Chi Won. He has actually requested him. "Why? Look at Tae Jin. He already changed since she came here. You couldn't realize but I can say that this girl will be seriously harmful to us. Do you also change for her?" asked Ha Joon.

"No, but we will be called coward if we let her go. If you have humanity, then you will help her," said Jeong Eun.

"You are saying that?" surprised Ha Joon.

"He is right. We have to help this helpless girl," said Young Soo. Everyone surprised to hear him but Chi Won and Tae Jin felt happy by hearing him.

"Yes, he is right. We have to listen to him," said Kang Min.

"I don't know but maybe we have to give her a chance. What do you say?" said Jung Hwa.

"Okay, Do whatever you want," said Ha Joon and left out of anger. Eun was doing some work as she can't sit without doing anything. She cooked some food for them. So, they enjoyed her foods and was getting ready to go out. Eun also eats some food and after that, she washes the dish, and then she comes to her room. She didn't notice before that this room was too big. She was looking at the room and walking. "Why someone makes this kind of room? Is this an underground room? But why It's that big?" she thinks. When she was walking, she saw a few old furniture in a place.

"What are these?" said Eun to herself and come to the furniture. She never sees these before. The furniture was quite old and was full of dust. It seems like no one touched this for many years.

"Maybe they forget that they have this kind of furniture! That's what the rich people are!" said Eun and going to leave. But at that time, she saw a black colored something stuck on a drawer of a cupboard. She felt curious because if someone didn't touch this furniture then how could a cloth stick here? And there was not much dust on the cloth. She comes to the cupboard and opens that. She saw there were just two pieces of clothes. One of them was a black colored blazer. She remembers that SBS wear the same blazer when they were on a tour in New York. She watches them on TV that day.

"But what is doing it here?" she said to herself and took the white-colored t-shirt which was kept with the blazer. She was looking at all the upside-down of the clothes and she astonished by seeing something. She runs from there without thinking anything. She got so afraid that she forget to scream. She comes straight to their practice room because she knows that It's their practice time.

"Mr. Tae Jin! Look at here just once!" said Eun. Tae Jin saw that Eun was breathing quickly and she have fears in her face.

"What happened?" said all of them and come to her. Ha Joon didn't want to come but he can't stay back. He also comes to her. Eun gives the clothes to Tae Jin. Tae Jin and all the others look at the clothes. They founded nothing on the blazer because they didn't look at that carefully. But when they see the white t-shirt, they all shocked because there were a lot of bloodstains on the shirt.