Chapter 52 (Special)

"Are you looking for someone, young man?" asked a voice to Tae Jin. He looks back and found no one.

"Look back, you will find that person just behind you." said that voice again. Tae Jin looks behind him and saw a short lady who was standing just behind him. He recognizes the lady. She was the same lady whom he saw in front of Eun's home. And Eun tells about her that she is a crazy woman. Because she said to everyone that she could explain their dreams and could tell the future. And he came here to find this lady. But he surprised because he didn't notice her come. And also how she knows that he is searching for her. So he asked the lady being afraid, "How you know that I am searching for you?"

"I know everything. You came here to know your destiny. Isn't it, kid?" said the lady with a broken voice. It seems like she got cold and so she couldn't talk properly.

"Yes," replied Tae Jin surprisingly.

"Then come with me." said the lady and take him to a place. The place was scary, dark, and empty. It seems like it was her home.

"You can question one by one. I will answer your questions. But you have to pay $10 for each question." said the lady slowly.

"Okay, I will give you but first give my answer," said Tae Jin.

"No, pay once. Then ask a question. I will answer it. Then you have to pay again and question again. Do you understand?" said the lady. Tae Jin felt angry on her but he controls himself and said,

"Okay, I will do what you say. I just want my answers."

"Okay, go ahead." said the lady very slowly and whisperingly.

"I have a dream and I want its explanations," said Tae Jin.

"Dream about what?"

"About a girl."

"Is she pretty?"

"Yes, A lot."

"What kind of relationship do you have with her?"

"We have no relation."

"Ah! Young Man, then you must love her." "No, She is just our servant."

"Can't you live your servant? If you live someone, she will become your servant and you will become her. So, it's pointless." said the lady very weirdly.

"But that's not important right now," said Tae Jin loudly.

"Who said this? It is the most important thing right now." said the lady slowly. She is talking very slowly but Tae Jin could understand her as he was listening to her very carefully.

"Accept it. You love her. If it's not, then why you kept dreaming about her? You dream about her more than four times. So, can't you understand that you always think about her? You will regret that you are not admitting this now. Look inside your heart. Close your eyes. And found a person you love the most. Who is it?" said the lady and look somewhere else. Tae Jin closed his eyes and see his mom's face first, then slowly his father came in front of his eyes. After that, he saw Eun's face. Suddenly he opened his eyes and surprised because the lady was telling the truth. "If he doesn't love star, then why he see her face after he saw his parents face? He should see his teammate's faces because he knew that he loves them very much after he lives with his parents. But he saw Eun's face instead of them. Is that means, he love her more than them? How could that possible? How he fall for her?" Thought Tae Jin.

"What are you thinking young man? That I am telling the truth? Can you feel love for her? Can you stay strong if she goes far from you? Can you bear it if something happened to her? You are thinking a lot about her. That's why you kept nice dreams about her." said the lady and smiled.

"Yes, Maybe you are right. But I haven't seen any sweet dreams. I see nightmares." said Tae Jin slowly and he was sitting like a doll. Even his eyes stopped blinking.

"Sweet dreams are hidden in your nightmare. Now tell me about your dream and when you dreamt." The first time when I saw a dream, I didn't even know her. But I saw that I am a king and she is my queen. But the king of another country was my enemy and he caught her to blackmail me. I want to save her. I fought with that king but I couldn't save her. That king killed her while fighting and I was just looking at her death. I laughed instead of crying. That time I thought that it was just a dream. But when I saw her for the first time in Gangnam, I feel like I am her queen and she is my king because she always protects me from danger. And the second time, when I dreamt,..." said Tae Jin and going to say more. But the lady stopped him.

"Ah-uh. Give me $10 and I am explaining this to you. Tae Jin took his wallet and give her the money. Then the lady starts talking,

"You were a king and she was your queen. Isn't it a sweet dream inside the nightmare? Whatever, you saw her in your dream before you meet with her. Right?" asked the lady.

"Yes," said Tae Jin.

"Then you saw the dream which destiny showed you. Destiny wants that you meet with her. So, destiny shows you that dream. And this dream means that you could save her from any kind of danger but you didn't do anything to save her and protect her. And as for regrets, you laughed like a mad. Now, if you want to ask me any other questions you have to pay before that." said the lady slowly. "Okay, okay, take it," said Tae Jin and give her money again.

"Now, tell me when I saw a dream about her for the second time, I saw that a lion was chasing after her and wants to eat her. I was there and she came to me. I want to hold her hand but before that, the lion took her away and torn her apart in front of me. What's the meaning of this dream." said Tae Jin.

"It means you will regret that you could not save her. And she needs your help when she gets in danger." said the lady whisperingly.

"But I saved her that time because she really was in danger. I protect her and still, now I am protecting her," said Tae Jin.

"You protect her one time. But can you protect her forever? The girl's destiny is written. And she will not be protected by you. If you could help yourself, you could help her also. But, if you couldn't help yourself, how could you help her?" said the lady and smiled.

"I understand. But after that, I saw that she got a shoot in front of me. And I was trying my best to protect her but I can't." said Tae Jin disappointedly.

"Why you always end up with her death? It's not a good sign. No, Not at all." said the lady very worriedly and a little loudly. "I don't know. And that's why I came here to know more about it," said Tae Jin.

"Okay, Do you believe in destiny?" asked the lady slowly.

"A little," replied Tae Jin.

"That's your problem. Faith on yourself and faith in destiny. That's the most important thing for you right now." said the lady.

"I'll try. But listen to me. This time I saw the most dangerous dream ever." said Tae Jin being afraid.

"What did you see? You killed her?" asked the lady with another mind.

"How could you know that? I exactly saw this type of a dream!" said Tae Jin very surprisingly.

"Destiny." said the lady.

"What?" asked Tae Jin.

"Destiny told me everything. That's why I know about everything." said the lady. "Okay. But what should I do now? I want to protect her. What should I do to save her?" asked Tae Jin curiously. Now, what could I say? It's your destiny. And that girl's destiny. If the death has been written on her destiny, then she would die no matter what. But if your destiny has been written as her savior, then you could save her no matter what. You have to choose now what you should do. To keep faith in destiny and fight for her or to wait for her death." said the lady and stopped.

"Is there no easy way to protect her? I mean, you know I am quite a busy person. How could I follow her or stalking her for all time?" said Tae Jin very aggressively.

"Maybe there is or there is not. You have to find it. You have to fight for her. How could I tell you now?" said the lady quietly.

"What? But you said that you have the all answers," said Tae Jin surprisingly.

"I told you that I could explain your dream not to give you any suggestions. Now give me $30 and leave." said the lady.

"What? Why? I already paid you $20." said Tae Jin being shocked.

"I want less than I deserve. Now, give me and leave from here, now." said the lady and stand up. Tae Jin also stands up and gives the money to the lady. Then he starts walking outside. Today he realized why he always feels jealous when she talks or enjoys with others and why he felt angry with her when she doesn't notice him and gets busy with others. Then is it really true that destiny wants them together? If it's not then why he saw her face in his dream before he meets her? Why he could trust her so easily when he meets with her for the first time?

"Ah! Where are you Tae Jin? How could you fall for a girl? If you can't get her, what will happen to you after that? And you are forbidden to love. If the CEO of HH Entertainment knows about you, they will fire you and after that lead your life very peacefully when you have no job and become helpless and poor like your father." said Tae Jin to himself. But he can't think about a single moment without that girl. He really loves her a lot and his life will be meaningless if he couldn't get her. He thinks that he born for her and to protect her. There is no job up to this job. And he has to stay beside her no matter what. He determined that he will confess today in front of her no matter what. What if she replied negatively? She is not that type of girl who falls for a guy that easily. He gets on a bus and takes a seat. Will she answer negative? Don't she have little feelings for him? They are staying together so it's not that unsure that she doesn't like him. Wait, what if she likes someone other? Like Chi Won or JE? She spent most of her time with them and she is happy when she is with Chi Won. That means, they like each other?

"Ah! I couldn't think more," said Tae Jin to himself. He was his way home.

On the other side,

"Wow! Look at these! It must be for us. Let's eat as we all are so hungry." said Chi Won.

"Hey! Go and get fresh first," said Kang Min.

"Okay, But I am with him," said JE.

"What? But where is Star?" asked Young Soo.

"I don't know. I searched for her but she is nowhere," said Jung Hwa. Okay, guys! Go to your room and get fresh. We will eat later after Tae Jin comes." said Ha Joon.

"What? But what if he wouldn't return today?" said Chi Won.

"Then you have to starve," said Kang Min and laughed.

"I am going," said Young Soo and went to his room. After he went away, everyone followed him and go to their own rooms. After sometimes all of them came to the living room where the foods are arranged so well that they look like mouthwatering. They all sit down and start eating. But they didn't notice that there were foods for only six people. Thought they eight people lived here. They finished all of that before Tae Jin came. After they finished, they go to their room to take rest as they were too tired. Eun wakes up and sews that she was on Tae Jin's bed. She stands up and comes to the living room to see if they returned home yet or not. But she got shocked when she came to the living room. Because all of the plates and bowl were empty. There was no food left on the table.

"Ah! When they came home? Did they eat everything? And they didn't even leave a single piece of cake! What will I eat now? Are they monster or something?" said Eun to herself. But she was not angry about finishing her food. She was angry because her plan failed and she could not get revenge from Tae Jin. Suddenly she remembered where is Tae Jin if they all come back home? She was in Tae Jin's room. Then are they in the practice room? She went there but why she went there she didn't know. She comes to their practice room and found no one there. Then she checked in every room of that house but she found Tae Jin nowhere. Then she goes to her own room to find him but it's in vain. So, she became worried about him. She goes to Chi Won's room to ask him where is Tae Jin. She entered his room and saw that he was lying on his bed and he was watching something on his smartphone. He was laughing by watching those. Eun cough to get his attention but he didn't notice her because he has headphones on his ear. Eun came to him and stand in front of him but Chi Won didn't notice her yet. Eun got angry with him and sit beside him. She pulls the wire of his headphone and so it falls from his ears. Now Chi Won noticed him and surprised to see her in his room at this time and so close to him.

"What?" asked Chi Won surprisingly. "When did you come back?" asked Eun. "Ah! We come back at 1.00 pm. Why?" asked Chi Won.

"Nothing. Just ask. All of you come together?" asked Eun.

"Yes. Why?" asked Chi Won smilingly. "Really? I guess one of you didn't come back with you. Right?" asked Eun a little angrily. Chi Won remembered about Tae Jin and said,

"Ah! Yes, Tae Jin has ent work. So, he didn't come with us. He stopped in the middle of the way. Maybe he was going to meet with someone special." said Chi Won and laughed.

"Special? Did he tell you?" said Eun curiously.

"Yes, he said that he has to meet with his love," said Chi Won and laughed again.

"Love? He loves someone?" asked Eun being worried and upset.

"Maybe. I am not that sure," said Chi Won with ann uncertain voice.

"But why you are looking so upset?" said Chi Won with a cheerful voice.

"Nothing. Just because I am hungry," said Eun worriedly. She feels bad after she listened that Tae Jin loves someone. Now, she is feeling jealous of that girl and also felt angry.

"What? You haven't eaten yet?" said Chi Won being surprised.

"No, How could I eat when you finished all the food?" said Eun with another mind.

"Ah! That's not a big problem. Let's go somewhere out. I will treat you today. You can eat whatever you want. Okay?" said Chi Won and stood up from the bed.

"But..." Eun was going to say something but Chi Won stopped her.

"No but, just let's go," said Chi Won and hold her hand. He pulls her with him and goes outside. They came to a restaurant and Chi Won ordered some food for her. He ordered coffee for himself. But Eun can't eat because she was worried about Tae Jin and his special person. She was just thinking about him. So the foods are not going through her stomach. It seems like they are stuck in her throat.

"What's wrong?" said Chi Won worriedly when he noticed her.

"Nothing," said Eun and concentrate on eating. But she can't. Chi Won was noticing her from the beginning but he couldn't get what's going on with her. He thought that she was feeling sick or something.

"Are you okay?". said Chi Won and put his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. But it was normal.

"I am fine," said Eun and move her head. Chi Won takes back his hand and put that on her hand.

"Is something wrong happened? You can tell me," said Chi Won.

"No, I told you that I am okay. I am just missing my friends. Nothing else." said Eun loudly.

"Okay, Then let's meet with them," said Chi Won and hold her hand tightly. He feels so strange when he holds her hand. But Eun exceeded her hand and said, " I will go to her another day. I have to say something to you."

"What?" asked Chi Won curiously.

"I think that it's time for leaving that house. How long I could stay with you? I am a college student and I have my personal life. I can't stay there forever." said Eun.

"Star! Why you are talking like that? You could stay at our home for as long as you want. Moreover, we need you a lot. If you left us, who would take care of us? Who will feed us with her own hand? Who will scold us if we do something wrong? Who will scold our makeup artist for our sake? Who will take care of us when we get sick? And also, we promised to save you. So, until Leo came, you have to stay here. After that, if you want to then you could go. But please don't tell like this anything before that." said Chi Won being emotional. "But..." said Eun and stop.

"I don't want to listen to anything else. Now, please eat," said Chi Won and look at her eyes. They seem like they are hurting so much. That time Tae Jin was passing by that restaurant and saw them together. He thinks that it was all true which he was afraid of. They are really dating with each other. But he is not a person for losing by anyone. So, he gets inside the restaurant to interrupt their romantic moment. When he saw them, Chi Won was holding her hand.

"Hi, guys! What are you two doing here?" Tae Jin came to them and asked with a weird smile.

"We have discussed some issues. Did you meet that person whom you were talking about?" said Chi Won. Eun was silent after she saw him. She felt angry with him and she doesn't want to talk with him.

"Yes," said Tae Jin and took a seat beside Eun. Eun moves aside and takes a look at another table. She surprised because there was a person who was just look-alike a guy whom she knows very well. When she looked at him, he noticed Eun also and could recognize her. He called by her nickname,

"Star! Is it really you!"