Chapter 57

Chi Won have something to show Eun. And he knows that he could find her in Tae Jin's room as he said to clean his room some times ago. He actually has a gift for her and he has it in her pocket. But he couldn't give her because of Tae Jin. And he also surprised of Tae Jin's behavior to Eun. So, he guesses that Eun would be upset very much because of Tae Jin. And he wants to make her happy. So, he slowly goes to Tae Jin's room by dancing.

"She will be very happy after she saw these," said Chi Won to himself and smiled in his mind. Actually, he has a bracelet for her. That was so beautiful and if he gives Eun that, she would certainly become happy. But he doesn't know that Eun is fine and he is the one who is gonna get a shock. He came in front of Tae Jin's room and stopped. He put that bracelet in his hand and was going to enter his room but he gets shocked by seeing something. He saw that Eun and Tae Jin were standing together and they were very close to each other. He also saw them kissing. Suddenly he felt dizziness and he can't move. He stands like a statue. After a minute, he controlled himself and went away from there. He pours that bracelet to his pocket again and walks slowly. He gets out of the house and he doesn't know where he is going. He keeps walking. He looks like he has been in trauma. He couldn't even think anything. He couldn't think how could this happened and why he couldn't understand Tae Jin. He couldn't listen to anything and keep walking on the street. Suddenly a car ran to him and hit him. He falls on the street. And he becomes senseless. When they all come to have dinner they noticed that Chi Won hasn't come here. So, they search for him but couldn't found him anywhere.

"Did anyone know where did he go?" asked Ha Joon.

"No, But he was at home an hour ago," said Eun.

"Then where could he be without telling us!" said Kang Min.

"Yes, It's night and he shouldn't go out at this time," said Jung Hwa.

"Call him if you have suspect on him," said JE.

"Okay, that's right," said Ha Joon and called him but nobody picked up the call. How could anyone answer the call? It was falling on the street and Chi Won also was falling beside it. Many people gathered around him and looking at him curiously. They recognize him and start shouting,

"Oh! It's Chi Won from SBS! How could anyone do that to him! The people got the car that hit Chi Won and starts to interrogate the driver. And the rest of the people called an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

"I rang the horn. I couldn't control it because he suddenly came in front of my car! I shouted and told him to move but he didn't listen to me." said the driver. Actually, it wasn't his fault. He actually warned him but Chi Won couldn't listen to him because he was lost in his mind.

"The ambulance is getting late. You should take him to the nearest hospital." said a man from the crowd.

"Yes, help him to get in the car." said another man and they all pull Chi Won's senseless body and put it in the car. Then they took him to the hospital.

The next morning, Eun wake up and remembered about last night. It was like a dream to her.

"That's why he was acting like this! He actually felt jealous of Chi Won and he couldn't bear it!" think Eun and smiled. She couldn't even think that Tae Jin actually likes her.

"Oh! He loves me! My crush said to me that he loves me! Ah! Really? Or it was in my dream?" Eun was thinking about him and felt happy. She slowly comes to the entrance of her room and peeked on Tae Jin's room. She saw that Tae Jin was sleeping without any tension. So, she comes out from her room silently. She looked at the sleeping Tae Jin.

"He is the sleeping beauty here!" said Eun in her mind and smiled. He was looking so beautiful and cute.

"Damn handsome he is! But does he truly love such an ugly girl like me!" said Eun once again in her mind.

"Ah! What should I do now! How could I trust a boy who is that handsome and who have so many girl's hearts?" she was just thinking about last night. She went to the living room and turn on the television to forget about last night. Suddenly she saw the news and get shocked.

"Yesterday night some people found the senseless body of Chi Won from SBS. People can't tell anything about him and the reason. But they are assuming that he has a fight with other members and came out from home. And that's why they didn't come to visit him yet. But we are not sure about it. It could be true or a rumor. If we could find more information, we will tell you. Now, let's see his condition.

As you can see he is senseless yet and nobody is here with him. Let's take a short break and stay with us to get more information." Eun could not able to move after she saw the news. Somehow she stands up and goes straight to Chi Won's room. But there was no one in his room. She couldn't understand what she would do now because all the others are sleeping right now. She rushed to Kang Min's room and push him continuously to wake him up.

"What? Let me sleep for some more time," said Kang Min and move another side.

"Please wake up! It's urgent. Chi Won!" said Eun and stopped. She can't say more than that. Kang Min sit by jumped and said,

"What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. Just watch this." saying that Eun ran to Ha Joon's room. Ha Joon was also sleeping and Eun have to wake him up and she informed him about Chi Won.

"What? I can't believe it! Are you sure? Did you checked in the whole house?" asked Ha Joon.

"Yes, I did," said Eun very worriedly. Within a few minutes, all the members wake up and come to the living room. They are now informed about Chi Won and they all got very anxious about him. They are now their way to go to the hospital. So, they get in the car and Kang Min was going to drive the car. When they all reached there, they saw some staff of HH entertainment. They all move the gathering people and let them inside the hospital. They all come to Chi Won and saw him in a difficult situation. He has a big bandage on his head. His hand was broken and it was also wrapped by a bandage. He was in s deep sleep.

"How could this happened to you?" surprised all of them. They could not think anything else and become too much worried about him.

"Chi Won! Wake up! We are here!" said Tae Jin in front of his ears. But he didn't listen to them and kept sleeping. The doctor came to check him again. All of them gathered around the doctor and asked, "How is he now? Will he be alright soon?" asked Kang Min.

"Don't worry. We are done operation. He is in deep sleep now because we inject some medicine to keep him in deep sleep. He will be wake up soon. But you have to take care of him." said the doctor and leave.

"Why he has to go out in that dark night?" said Ha Joon and got angry. "Calm down! We can't sit anything. We will know from him. Just let him wake up once. Then scold him how much you want." said Eun and go beside him.

"Chi Won! Get well soon. We need you. Who would cheer us if you stay in this position? We can't think a single day without you. You are the middle point on the house." said Eun and hold her hand. After some time, a nurse came to the room and said, "Please, go outside. You can't surround him like this. Only one person could stay beside him." said the nurse.

"I will stay. You guys could leave," said Eun and look at them.

"Are you sure you could stay here?" asked Jung Hwa.

"Yes," said Eun and look at Chi Won. After that, they all went outside and only Eun stays with him. She got bored because she has nothing to do. But she also can't leave him alone. If he wakes up and he needed something, who will serve him? Thinking that she stay by sitting beside him on the floor. She was holding his hand so that he wouldn't feel lonely. She leans on the bed and stays sitting. Within a few minutes, she falls asleep. Suddenly Chi Won wake up and saw Eun just beside him and holding his hand. He feels good but not that good. He moves his hand and saw that she was sleeping. He could understand that she could not sleep last night. He wants to take back his hand but he couldn't. So, he stays lying quietly and without moving. After some time, Eun wakes up and sees that Chi Won's eyes were opened.

"Oh! You wake up! I should inform them." said Eun and stand up.

"Star!" called Chi Won.

"Yes," said Eun, and come to him.

"Come closer to me!" said Chi Won very slowly.

"Okay, tell me," said Eun, and come closer to him.

"Give your ears," said Chi Won whisperingly. Eun took her ear close to Chi Won's mouth.

"I am happy for you," said Chi Won whisperingly.

"Happy for what?" surprised Eun.

"I know about you and Tae Jin. You two look so awesome together," said Chi Won very slowly. His eyes were full of tears when he was saying these.

"Oh! Really?" surprised Eun and also got shocked.

"Yes. Take good care of my friend," said Chi Won whisperingly.

"But I have to take care of you now," said Eun and called Ha Joon. They were in the waiting room and when they got a call, they rushed to Chi Won's room.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Young Soo.

"Good!" replied Chi Won.

"How could this happened to you?" asked Ha Joon with an angry eye. Chi Won got afraid and wants to say about last night but he couldn't make it.

"Why you go outside without telling us?" said Kang Min by yelling.

"I am sorry," said Chi Won being afraid. "Sorry! If something bad happened to you, then who would be responsible for it?" said Ha Joon shouting. Chi Won couldn't answer anything and just sit on his position quietly.

"Yes, We would be responsible for it. Didn't you see how Woo Jin shouted at us when Tae Jin got a situation?" said Kang Min.

"Hey! Why both of you are yelling at him. He didn't know that something like that gonna happen." said Young Soo slowly. But nobody noticed him and keep yelling at him.

"Stop it!" shouted Eun. Both of them become silent after hearing this. They become surprised and look at her.

"Why you are scolding him? What did he wrong? He just goes outside to have fresh air. If he would know that this is gonna happen, then he never goes outside! Did you know any of it? Then why you don't take an action after noticed that he is not at home?" said Eun loudly. Ha Joon and Kang Min didn't have any reply to her. Because it is true but they are thinking that it's his own fault. And that's why they are yelling at him. That time, Woo Jin came while running.

"Oh! Chi Won! How could that happened to you?" said Woo Jin shockingly. All of them stay quiet because they know what is gonna be happen now.

"He was outside," said JE slowly.

"And where were you?" asked Woo Jin to everyone.

"We were at home," said Jung Hwa. "When it happened?" asked Woo Jin again.

"Last night," answer Ha Joon.

"And you didn't even think to inform me?" asked Woo Jin gently and a little angrily.

"They also didn't know about it," said Eun gently.

"Wow. Great! Do whatever you want." said Woo Jin and that time his cellphone begins to ring. He picked up the call being afraid.

"Hello!" said Woo Jin.

"Where the hell are you?" said from the other side.

"Yes, I am in hospital now," said Woo Jin gently.

"Come to my office right now." said that guy who called him. Woo Jin put his phone to his pocket and said,

"Pray for me. You won't able to see my face again. Keep doing whatever you want." Then he went away from there.